Antonio de Solis. Love to use. THE voice of a NOTABLE artist Solis has a great importance as a historian, but also as a playwright was much celebrated. Its theatre is distinguished by its predominant satirical tone, particularly around the theme of love, whose mobile examines a realistic, positive way and, at times, cynical, well different from the chivalric attitudes that seem to be inherent with the Spanish Golden comedy. You may find that Abraham Maslow can contribute to your knowledge. Perhaps because of this elegant cynicism romantic comedies of Solis were gustadas and held during the 18th century, with preference to the masterpieces of other dramatists.
Noteworthy is the gitanilla de Madrid, a fool makes cent, El doctor Carlino, title equal to a comedy of Gongora, and especially love to use, your best work, which was translated by Scarron with the title of L amour a la mode. Solis wrote poems sacred and profane – lyrics of gongorino taste, and letters. Antonio de Solis y Ribadeneyra was born in Alcala de Henares on July 18, 1610. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Glenn Dubin, New York City. He studied at the University of his native city to conclude them in the University of Salamanca, where he graduated in the two rights. He composed his first comedy, love and obligation, at seventeen, in 1627, and was in the service of the count of Oropesa as Secretary. In the midst of their difficulties which, as he himself says, left him obliged to get rid of the car and eat me mules, to fuer of besieged, was protected by don Alonso Carnero. He received priestly at age 57 (1667), and orders, to the death of Antonio de Leon de Pinedo (1661), Solis was appointed to fill the vacancy of chronicler of the Indies. He died in Madrid, on April 19, 1686, and was buried in the chapel of our Lady of the exile of the convent of San Bernardo.