German Federal Supreme Court

Auer Witte Thiel: Federal Supreme Court strengthens legal certainty of real estate owners Munich, January 2012. Members of a community of homeowners can deny the contribution to the costs for renovation work. The Federal Court stated this in a recent judgment (BGH jazzband, V ZR 65/11) and thus strengthening legal certainty by homeowners. Auer Witte Thiel lawyers report the new decision. A homeowners of a structural change does not agree way to sec. 22 paragraph 1, he is exempt from cost-sharing. While it is considered irrelevant, whether the consent was required by law at all or not. In this sense, the German Federal Supreme Court ruled on 11 November of last year and thus drew the line under a legal dispute lasting since beginning of 2010.

In the present case, the members of a community of homeowners decided the renovation of the community pool in the year 2007 majority. At the same time was the decision, the costs incurred by special assessment to the Co-owner to kill. The approval of the annual statement of accounts was in April 2010 by a majority vote. Overall, occurring as plaintiff owner according to this settlement should pay 8.618 euro for the completed conversion. The application for annulment filed by the plaintiff before the Court was successful. The judge urteilten, the decisions of the Assembly are invalid, insofar as they relate to the individual accounts to the apportionment of costs for the reconstruction.

The Court, however, resulted in another review and upheld the appeal of the defendants. Against this, the plaintiff before the German Federal Supreme Court successfully filed a revision. The Supreme Court joined the opinion of the District Court. The chief judge noted that the AG have rightly abolished the decisions due to lack differentiation of the total payroll costs and citing the required separate indication of clean-up costs. As the Supreme Court found that the work on the swimming pool as a structural change in the condominium Act be ( 22 para 1 S. 1 way) to evaluate. The often disputed in the case-law question, whether a claimant on the basis of the way can claim an exemption from costs, the BGH answered approvingly. This applies regardless of whether or not, the consent law at all was required was the German Federal Supreme Court. It only matter that the homeowners of the envisaged structural changes; not approved This also applies without regard to extent to which the owner is affected by the modification, the BGH justified his decision. Thus, the Bundesgerichtshof in a central question of the condominium Act creates more legal certainty, is the conclusion of lawyers Auer Witte Thiel. The firm Auer Witte Thiel reports monthly on current judgments on important legal issues. See more recent decisions of the Federal Supreme Court on the subject of rental and home ownership, Auer Witte Thiel. About Auer Witte Thiel the specialization areas of focus and the development of core competencies in certain disciplines are indispensable in the legal services sector.

Now Also In Summer: ADVERMA Grabs Arosa In A Jacket Pocket

New version of the Arosa app of available useful companion to the perfect planning of vacation days Rohrbach / Arosa (mh) for many winter guests in the Swiss mountain – and holiday paradise Arosa was the Baba ADVERMA advertising & Marketing GmbH developed already a useful companion iPhone app. The first summer version of the travel guide in mini format, which fits easily into any pocket and Pocket, is now available for Arosa tourists. Only a few taps are needed, and already, the user can retrieve a whole bunch of valuable information for the perfect planning of their holidays in the famous resort in the canton of Graubunden. You learn under via Smartphone including the current weather and the forecast for the next few days look like, what events, cultural or other nature on the program or even, what have to offer the menus of local restaurants. And where in the winter version of the app the slopes and mountain railway plan was to find, which has based in the greater Munich area Communications agency now integrates a hiking map. Also completely new areas were integrated into the app store available and specified by the Arosa Bergbahnen AG commissioned applet for the iPhone.

Under all inclusive”, the holder of the Arosa Card for example, can read, where they free everywhere have access. Arosa is also new live”as a platform on which local shops and companies can present themselves and their services or offers. And now also the current contributions of Arosa-TV can be on the display of its smartphones. All other interesting news appear as usual already within a few minutes on the iPhone. This is possible because the easy-to-use app developed not only for the user by the IT specialists at ADVERMA to the technical director Georg Obermayr. The program’s innovative platform enables the operators, easily and quickly maintain all app content without special computer skills.

Psychological Treatment

The anguish, that painful painful feeling that overwhelms us sometimes, and with which if we don’t deal holds and directs our world totally angst belongs to the world of the affections, is a feeling that those who suffer it feels to a greater or lesser extent, but that always this feeling upsets a. The person is distressed or is distraught by different circumstances or facts that lead him to feel that amount of voltage displacentera, and that moreover are within the everyday or the daily living of persons, i.e. To broaden your perception, visit Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. form part of an exceptional event, but at any time cannot occur in response as I said previously in an event that is presented to the person and this express with that tension that you It produces discomfort. This anguish when it is at low levels, the person despite his existence can continue with their lives, but don’t feel inhibited or impeded from acting. When anxiety occurs in excessive, and abnormal levels in the form mass here is common panic, panic attack.

As a result of the panic attack, the person cannot act or carry out its activity in a normal or natural, but that this massive and intense anxiety affects different organs of the body, of the SNC and manifests itself producing a box in which they are committed various organs and Autonomic functions, which manage to make the person feel very fearful, and up to the feeling of not having control of his life and his actions. Who feels anguish, pain, more or less intense pain that is bodily subjectively sense, and which is manifested in the person once he has experienced such which fact or situation, or interaction, or finally any has been the reason that as displacer is fired as voltage internal and subjective. Anguish, various forms of manifest in the person i.e. the distraught person is a person who suffers, and according to as acting in his life of everyday life with this suffering is what makes each person different.

Company Products

Internet business is unique in that it is international. If you set up a Russian site, all speaking in Russian population of the planet is your visitors. The site can be viewed not only as a trading platform for its own products and partnerships. With any of the created site can be identified approximately 6 lines of income: 1. Sales and own and partner of digital goods.

2. Sale of digital products. 3. Selling affiliate of digital products. 4. Sale of sites to all who have difficulties in their creation.

5. Selling advertising spaces. 6. Some contend that Mark Hyman, MD shows great expertise in this. Letting popular website. 1. Development of personal digital products. The classic version of earnings for creative people. Analyze their interests, looking at them that may be sold and start to sell it. 2. Selling affiliate products. If you do not want or can not strain to create their own products. Register in affiliate program and doing a promotion and sale of partnership items. 3. Sale of own and partner of digital products. This method follows from the preceding paragraphs and, naturally, is more profitable. 4. Sales of sites for those who feel the difficulties in their creation. Create Web sites are not much harder than to use a computer. But the prices of various studios that want to about $ 1500 for the site, many people cause fear to even begin to do so. But in vain. Profits from these activities is significant, and possess all of these forces on anyone. 5. Renting is a good popular website. New, very promising and quite comfortable method of earnings. The meaning is this: You create a site to a commercial theme, spin it into search engines and for a certain amount are letting commercial firms. At the same time the site and is yours, you can regularly and steadily develop it and find more lucrative tenants. 6. Selling online advertising space. Applied, usually at the major portals, but small, specialized resources may also make a very good money. In conclusion, I note that your site – it's your company, you may establish a cost-effective, but the profit it can be quite considerable and turnover in excess of some off-line organization.

Money Takes Fairvesta Fund

Same with the title story thought the financial magazine ‘My money’ the Tubinger fairvesta group and recorded in the list of especially good investments the Fund. Here also the recommendation of the TuV Nord plays a role, which for fairvesta very good”awarded. According to the TuV, the only company which can have a comprehensible and reliable performance record is currently fairvesta in the asset class of real estate fund. Wisely, therefore my money took”the test criteria and testing procedures of the TuV in collaboration with the Mesotron Commerz GmbH under the magnifying glass. “TuV reviews are in the future that an important role, whether my money” equipment is recommended or not. The financial magazine my money”is present now for 16 years on the market. With a circulation of 40,000 copies in Germany and 10,000 copies in Austria, my money is”bimonthly new station bookstores, airports and retail magazines available and reached so the target group of the investment ready Investors, as well as the investment advisor and financial intermediaries. “” “We are pleased of course, that my money” with us the current lead has implemented and fairvesta already on the front page with the seal “has considered the TuV-tested quality of real estate,” says Otmar Knoll as sales representative of the fairvesta group of companies.

Recently had fairvesta updated figures presented and thus shows that you achieved a result far beyond market even in the crisis year 2008. The starting point has become harder, our concept prevailed however,”explains fairvesta frontman Knoll. Thus, he thinks the opportunity to acquire real estate below market price from special situations and to sell to the real value. Currently buys fairvesta to 62 percent including all closing costs from the market value. Alone the rental yield is in the double-digit range. My money went in the post”also on the new investment strategies.

So fairvesta for the first time a fund offered by selectively investing in a commercial property in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen and this Real estate wants to keep around ten years. We want to open to fairvesta the way a specific target group of investors so, so far not on could be pleased with the traditional business of real estate trade”, says Knoll. Fairvesta still faithful to the basic principle, because as this object to be sold further after the holding period with profit. Also, the new commitment was highlighted by fairvesta in Spain. Here fairvesta acquires real estate of luxury, it holds around five years after corresponding modernisation and intermediate rented out as holiday homes. Strikes a prospective buyer, because he fell, for example, on holiday in the object, such an object can find much faster a new owner”, says Knoll. That is possible if you can see the newly created documents. Because there not only fairvesta fans get fast times in the dreams.

Member States

News Economics by USD dollar yields to the euro and pound yesterday, the dollar fell against most currencies, since the progress of the various stock markets, and the results concerning the American labor market that exceeded expectations, undoubtedly affected the demand for the dollar as a haven currency. Yesterday the dollar lost ground against the euro and reached the 1.3320. On the other hand, against the pound you behaved in a similar way reaching the 1.5123. In April the American companies, apparently, decreased speed reduction of jobs, so it is hinted that the worst of the recession may already have happened. Last month payroll of workers fell to 491,000, figure that was below official estimates and is the lowest since October. On the other hand, the stabilization in consumption, after the crisis already generates expectations that the financial crisis could be completed in the middle of this year. Today will be published relevant data both in the United States and in the Euro area.

It is estimated that their currencies will suffer great volatility, while awaiting data from the American labor sector and especially monetary policy which will announce both the BcI and the ECB. EUR European rates cuts yesterday the euro advanced against the dollar, but gains were limited, above all, because it is estimated that the ECB reduced rates of interest of reference in a quarter point, taking them to 1.00%. In addition, it is estimated that the ECB might announce unconventional measures to stimulate growth in the region. The euro advanced against the dollar and closed at 1.3320. Recall that last month the ECB carried rates of interest at 1.25%, in an attempt to stabilize the economy of the region. Now, the Euro zone suffers from forcefully recessive threat, a deflationary situation, and a government deficit on the rise. As a result, it is estimated that the ECB will reduce interest rates during the day today, and also possibly several Member States announce in the short term new plans for economic stimulus.

Great Business

The big business of health in USA 10 September 2009 from the ridiculous idea that we want to impose death courts (responsible for deciding who can and who can not be treated), the false idea that this reform is intended to give health insurance to illegal immigrants, and to the notion more vast of a Government on the health system controlObama by listing false versions about his project of reform of the health system. For both U.S. citizens and to the Government, the reform in the health care system is not one minor issue and is why are are living days of intense debates where President Barack Obama struggles with all his strength to make his project approved by the Congress. So far, USA.UU. does not have a system of universal coverage, so citizens must ensure medical coverage that many get through their employers while others subscribe to private health insurance.

Obama put a lot at stake with the reform of the health system and though since some sectors are consider that it is a risk that should not be taken, the importance of health in American GDP and fiscal consequences merit the risk. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Carl Jung. The President knows that the health system will become increasingly unsustainable in the future. To read more click here: Anu Saad. According to a report of the year 2006 of the United Nations program for development, Americans spend on health around 15% of GDP. Popular resistance to reform is strong by habitual distrust that the United States has half that involves government interference. Although still has not submitted the comprehensive project, the first U.S. President has given to meet certain guidelines of the same as in principle which raises is to give the option to Americans go to insurance offered by the State that competes with private insurers. The speech yesterday Barack Obama compared the U.S. Congress was described by many as transcendental.

Middle Ages

The event will be a holiday on the history of the early Middle Ages, the goal is – to reflect the era, was the beginning of the formation of Russian statehood. The festival will be the tournament – a battle with swords, competition archers and throwing . Await the winners of prizes at the theme of the Middle Ages: a sword, bow and arrows and . For the grand prize will fight clubs historical reconstruction of Tobolsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. Note that this level of festivals are held only in the central part of Russia, Tyumen region festival of historical reconstruction is carried out for the first time. As a place for an impressive spectacle was selected tourist Complex Abalak. In a question-answer forum Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. was the first to reply. Here was erected a wooden castle there entrance and the gates, towers, a smithy. One of the brightest pages of the festival will pair duels and, of course, martial collective collision in which both will involve more than fifty members, armed with historical weapons.

Along with the military component of the festival special for the block and casual history, crafts, cuisine, urban development. Viewers can see a reconstructed military camp. Anu Saad: the source for more info. The concept of the festival is the principle of direct involvement of the audience to an event, contact with participants in the historical reconstruction. Festival guests will be able to test themselves in combat skills, dressed in armor, these heroic and mastering the ancient weapons. Warriors willing to teach how to weave chainmail and a sword damask fight.

For courage goblet of mead poured. Banquet guests will present, princely. Every guest at the inn "White Owl" will meet girls in Russian sarafans, and spend at the table, offering a menu that includes dishes, recreated by recipes of Russian cuisine. Gourmets in the trophy room will be able to taste the rabbit in a cream sauce, grouse and pheasant, grilled, lamb ribs, a young pig, roasted on a spit. Throughout Crafts Festival will run and fair, where you can buy products of masters as souvenirs. There will also be on display daily life in a medieval settlement – weaving, weaving on boards and Bird, joinery manufacture, production of bone-carving and wood carving. Guests of the city of Tobolsk and tourists will have a unique opportunity to plunge into the Middle Ages. The organizers promise that the festival will be conducted annually and will be one of the brightest events of event tourism, not only in Tobolsk and Tyumen Region.

Welke Implemented New Online Presentation In The B2B Area is a video-based user interface almost completely through moderated WINS October 19, 2009 – the wilt has Consulting Group (WCG) Filthaus plastics for their customers created a completely new kind of online communication in the B2B sector. The website of the manufacturer of plastic packaging is almost completely through moderated by using of video interfaces. Under, an appealing moderator runs the user through the site. This presents the company, through the various headings, explains the products and guides the customer through the configurator. Modern streaming achieves an optimum and smooth appearance with a standard DSL connection. With this innovative solution in the field of B2B, the customer is approached personally and at eye level. The products presented attractive and entertaining, even the most difficult procedures are explained very well,”says Irene Knaub, managing partner for the online section of the WCG. This new type of approach makes the site extreme easy to use, achieved the maximum attention of the user and therefore increases the response.

It is much more effective than a purely static addressing, as it still dominates in the B2B area. Finally a buyer is also a person who responds to audio visual sensory stimuli as well as a customer”Ana explains the decision for the moderated approach. With the rich-media application on the website of the manufacturer of plastic packaging, the wilting brings breath of fresh air in a rather sober industry consulting group. The new feature Filthaus plastics is now inviting, communicates with simple, interactive and effective with its customers..

Guild Dusseldorf Makes The Painter And Varnisher No April Fools

Now it is Dusseldorf finally time for fresh paint, 01.04.2009 – while waiting the first really warm sunshine for humans and animals, the spring indoors and out already once visually up to conjure up using a new coating can be. By the way, in each household up to 1,200 euros taxes can save for new colored living rooms. Finally spring! After this long winter, everyone longs for a fresh and cheerful living environment. It is time to spread a little optimism. To broaden your perception, visit cardiologist. Living rooms, bathrooms and stairwells want rid of the grey veil of last winter. Anu Saad gathered all the information. Much can be friendly and bright fashion with new colors.

Of course everyone can create even hand. But the it is not all alike, one to wield the brush. And on the other hand remains the question whether the result lets see. Professional painting work require a proper surface treatment and the use of environmentally friendly materials that are consecutive in their mode of action. The experts of the painter and Varnisher trade when choosing color not only the color, but also the opacity when the spring cleaning with roller and brush. This is usually less high for cheaper paints.

Painting specialist contractors don’t skimp on the quality of the material and use professional color, with an expertly executed operation for a perfect appearance of the wall is sufficient. Also free desktop wallpapers are popular again new. The demand for high-quality materials, such as, for example, the trend-setting designs, increases continuously, so the main Association color design protection. There is a professional solution in the wide range of the Guild trade operation for personal well-being. It consults comprehensively and uses all his skills at the end again a happy room into every room still so dismal. And the whole thing is supported by the IRS, because consumers can now all artisan activities of conservation, renovation and modernisation measures in their income tax return tax claim. Now, the spring can come. Questions and doubts? Do the test! Can advise the master enterprises of painters and painters Guild.