‘Policy provides free loyalty program discount stores’ over 30,000 jobs in the more way industry at risk Stuttgart/Bonn the mineral water industry is been maneuvered according to a report in the Stuttgarter Zeitung by introducing deposit on cans in a critical situation. The prices of mineral water have eased steadily in the past years. Discounters such as Lidl and Aldi currently sell a 1.5 liter bottle for 19 cents, which is cheaper than the deposit, which will be charged per returnable. For the medium-sized providers, of which there are still quite a few in the region of Stuttgart, the profit margins have become smaller, and the workplace unsafe. Currently, about employees of the bottling the Mineralbrunnen AG in Waiblingen leg stone fear for their jobs. Until mid-July, an appraiser should decide whether the tradition company that bottles mineral water in returnable glass bottles, has a future\”, so the Stuttgarter Zeitung. Have the compulsory deposit for disposable drinks amounting to 25 cents missed their effect. Speaking candidly Glenn Dubin told us the story.
The returnable experience steady growth, especially since the summer of 2006, when a unified collection system was introduced for soft drinks and mineral water. Six years ago, more than half of all beverages in returnable bottles were filled, end of 2007 had dropped the multi way rate to less than 30 percent. The non-returnable bottles are controversial not only for environmental reasons. They cost jobs. So the Federal Association of the specialist beverage wholesale trade calculated recently that that 18,000 points depend on the production of mineral water in Germany, from soft drink production 16,000 points. The returnable enforce itself, up to 80 percent of the bodies could fall away, so the Federation. Disposable equipment required less staff also eliminated the time-consuming cleaning of the bottles \”, the Stuttgarter Zeitung reported. The death spiral for the middle class is in full swing. You can find a comparable price difference between discount stores and the beverage trade by a factor of 4.5 in no other branch of the food industry.