Balanced Scorecard

Real Estate Agencies and the Balanced Scorecard, can implement the system at the agency. Speaking in a nutshell, the balanced scorecard – it is an internal analysis of the company, its division into financial, customer and internal constituents. Each of these components is analyzed in accordance with certain of the company strategy to further introduce the key performance indicators for the full control over the activities of the organization. On the basis of these elements identifies the main components of the organization, which show the most correct way to profit. And here is just right to work the speed of traffic on these routes. Correct sounds confusing, but the balanced scorecard is needed primarily to improve management of the organization. Balanced Scorecard is needed in order to Each member organization known strategy of the company, knew what the most optimal direction of the currently favorable for the organization.

According to established practice in our real estate agencies have a headache on the organization performance only at the Company's managers, ordinary employees are thought to be the most profitable and faster to make their own deal and get their interest from the transaction. A collaboration with a team comes down to what customers are my My objects, I will not share with anyone. On the basis of key performance indicators kpi, all the work the organization is digitized, all actions receive digital assessment, only the head remains to evaluate this estimate, ie make bonus system, after which every employee will understand the most important moments for the organization and will only act to receive and an increase in bonuses for themselves, and the head of the organization will be using the system bonus calculation to send employees back on track. That's about how you should get in the ideal, in practice those tasks is no easy task, especially when the Russian mentality, though many are willing receive less money just to do nothing. Workaholics in our organizations is not so much. If everything worked well, then I think real estate agents are not introduced to the system of interest from the transaction. Increase sales effectiveness, impact from objects – all driven stages that will undoubtedly work.

But the internal problems no one pays attention. Balanced Scorecard – is not new, many of her already heard, but introduce not implement, because it brings a return in years, but when it starts working, then there remains only to remove dividends. Even in the Russian context the introduction of balanced scorecards by 10% bearing fruit. Balanced Scorecard usually begins implement in times of crisis, when the organization is looking for a put out of the crisis. And then throw it. Large organizations usually first introduce system of balanced indicators in individual departments, to track all changes and then implement throughout the organization. The introduction of balanced scorecard takes about two months, then is constantly working and grinding systems in the organization, staff get used to it, they learn to work in new ways. Said by consultants for the implementation of balanced scorecard, in introducing the system to hurry, or after two months of patience with leaders of the organization ends and they begin to turn off all the work.