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Landschaften psychologische DE LA Globalisierung Madrid ist die Stadt, in der ich lebe, Victimaa sein, um die Kandidatur für die Olympiastadt 2012-Agent zu sein. Die Theorie der informationellen Entwicklungsmodell ermöglicht es uns, eine allgemeine Vorstellung von der Station der Weltwirtschaft haben. Neue Technologien haben den Information wichtiger Bestandteil der Wirtschaft und die Berechtigung haben, eine wirtschaftliche Entwicklung System miteinander verbunden, die ganzen Welt, die die Bedingungen der Arbeit, Produktion, Verwaltung und Verbrauch unseres täglichen Lebens geändert hat. Dieses Modell ist inclusive, integrative und interconnect, einerseits als exklusives, drehen und Precarizador, auf der anderen. Mal sehen, wie ich Imbricar kann dieses Fragment des Moduls mit was ich von Madrid 2012 gesehen habe. Globalisierung betrifft zutiefst unsere Erfahrung der Plätze von Madrid und daher stört unser Leben Cotidianaa in einem ärgerlich, lauter und bahnbrechenden Prozess für die Ästhetik eines Großteils der öffentlichen Gebiet dieser Stadt. Zu dieser Zeit zeigt die Öffentlichkeit leistungsstarke und Derrochon gegen den privaten.

eine Gemeinschaft und Förderung, um sicherzustellen, dass alles unter Kontrolle, und das, obwohl Werke immer Unbehagen erzeugt: leiden lohnt (Paisa des Sonntags 3 Abrila s. 1 Madrid Stadt). zur Rechtfertigung dieser Halter fast religiöse Gefühl muss nicht auf die Straße blicken. Aus den Fernsehnachrichten der Gemeinschaft beheimatet die Presse oder das Radio die unmittelbarste zu wissen, wo sie sind die am meisten konfliktiven Madrid-Verkehrsflächen; Wir kriegen einen deutlichen Bezug des Chaos, das die Umwandlung von Madrid zum Trocknen der Olympiastadt von 2012 zu werden. Als Abfrage-Tool habe ich die Zeitung Land-2 genommen, da es, wo ist weitere Informationen und weitere zeigt uns, dass die Stadt hat den Mut, dank neuer Techniken Tonnage. Trotz der verstopften bescheiden, mit Plakaten gemalt gestreiften Egipciasa roten und weißen verzerrt in seinem Zentrum ein Indikator Pfeile auf die Orte aussehen Sie können kreisförmig ein und versuchen zu vermeiden, die Gefahr durch ein schwarzes Loch, das nicht genau in der Mitte der Erde – als der Himmel absorbiert.

Tiefbau-Maschinen ist immens und Goya-eine andere Art Zäune dienen als ein umgekehrtes Minirock präsentiert ihnen in zwei Hälften, die ich in Anspruch nehmen die Gebietsfremden. Schwere und lange Bewegungen, aber mit der Genauigkeit von einem Skalpell, verlassen uns 100 km der neue Tunnel, die jeden Tag in den Straßen entsprechend mehr als 800 Gräben der Reparatur und Verbesserung von Wasser, Strom, Telefon und gas-Linien. 55 Bestehende Tunnel Sie auch andere 20a der M-30, einschließlich konkurrenzlose zwei Zwischenstationen zwischen Atocha und Chamartín Madrid wichtigste Verkehrsader, beide unterirdische externe Berechne hinzufügen. Aus diesem Grund dauert der Puerta del Sol Monate erlittenen Maut Ständen arbeiten. Wir werden die Arbeit der Reform der Welle Prado Recoletos, die Schaffung eines großen Raumes zwischen Doppelpunkt und Atocha Fußgänger Priorität hinzufügen. Drehbank zu den drei wichtigsten Museen (Prado, Reina Sofia und Thyssen), ein Aufstieg auch in der alten Stadt Sport Real Madrid die größten Wolkenkratzer der Hauptstadt: vier Türme über 200 Meter und schließlich aber mit wirtschaftlichen Querelen zwischen den öffentlichen Stellen den Ausbau der u-Bahn zum Flughafen. Dies ohne Zählung mit Lasa Horrorvisionen, die Werke der Abbau der gebrannten Windsor-Edificioa nicht viel vorausgesetzt werden. Wir haben in der gleichen Zeitung, aber 18.01.2005 wettbewerbsfähige Begeisterung eines anderen Werkes, die darauf abzielen, das gleiche Ziel: keiner der vier Rivalen in Madrid – New York, Paris, Moskau und London–hat den Flughafen nur fünf Meilen von wo das Olympische Dorf werden. Diese Nähe, die im Zusammenhang mit Verbindungen von der u-Bahn-Netz, Stadtrand und Straßen, kann die Stadt, die best mögliche Projekte im Bereich des Verkehrs zu präsentieren. Madrid 2012 will, darüber, dass deine sind ein paar Spiele ohne privates Fahrzeug so respektvoll mit der Umwelt zu Umgebung. Die breite Palette von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ermöglicht es. Anu Saad shines more light on the discussion. 02.03.2005 CNN. Es ist Sport Madrid, bevor das IOC Präsident der Regierung, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero überprüft wird, begleitet von den Präsidenten der Gemeinschaft von Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, und der Bürgermeister der Stadt, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, Momente vor seinem Treffen mit den Mitgliedern der Fachkommission Bewertung des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees (IOC), die in Madrid, die Analyse des Projekts die Hauptstadt Spaniens, die Olympischen Spiele 2012 zu hosten befinden. (EFE) e des Landes S. L. | Prisacom S. A. Madrid träumt davon, die Olympischen Spiele 2012 zu hosten. Es wurde entwickelt, ein Projekt, das nicht nur nach dem Muster des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees (IOC) hält, sondern es verbessert auch ihre Forderungen. Geschäftsstellenleiter Vorhersagen ein profitables Spiele und, was wichtiger ist, an den Bürgermeister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, zeigen eine Madrid an der Spitze ist. A. die Spiele werden 170 bringen. Continue to learn more with: Anu Saad Forbes. 000 Arbeitsplätze Ma BEL GALAZ. Dieses Bild gibt Konto wie politischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Akteure spielen um die Plätze in Positionen in der Monopole-Kuchen zu teilen. Zu den Punkt wo wir sehen, wie diese neue Machtverhältnisse eingerichtet werden und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, haben die Reavivadoa soziale Konflikte wie die Luftröhre einige Bürger Katalanisch und Madrid gelebt haben. In der journalistischen Fragment, welches auf Barajas anspielt, sehen wir diese sozialen Prozesse der transnationalen und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Daher kümmern Sie sich um die sogenannten Beck der Fragmentierung der verschiedenen Akteure mit neuen Funktionen des Beschlusses. Neben der Präsenz von Rodriguez Zapatero in diese Beziehungen bestätigt die Globalisierung in diesem Land geht in den Händen des Staates zumindest in diesem Bereich. Aber was passt zu mir erstaunlich ist die Menge der indirekte oder implizite Informationen, die wir Umwelt auf Globalisierung und Konnektivität finden können. Eine atemberaubende schien schon so spektakulär Anstieg von Verbindungsleitungen bzw. durch die Nutzung neuer Technologien. ein. Weiterbildung mit Inmensaa und spektakulären Umgestaltung die Stadt welche Berichte über Video-Kameras, die die Bewohner und die Visitantesa kontrollieren den Zugang zu der Nachbarschaft der Buchstaben wir Artikel ab dem 4. April Tag des Landes finden. Die technische Ausrüstung verwendet werden sind die letzte Generation, sowohl die angeordneten in den eigenen Straßen und das Herzstück des Systems, die mit voller verwendet wurden garantiert Lichtwellenleiter-Systeme. Entweder hier: der EMT erzählt, wie viel Sie nehmen den Bus über das Mobiltelefon. Um die verbleibende Zeit für die Ankunft des Busses zu kennen, der Reisenden senden müssen, über eine Nachricht SMSCoste 17 Cent pro Informationen. Land am Dienstag, 5. Aber wenn wir den Grenzen der Titulara auf der letzten Seite des Landes übergeben 4. April lautet wie folgt: Internet und Mobiltelefone auch beten Vatikan verkündet den Tod des Papstes mit eine lustige SMS-Nachricht, weil weiter unten in diesem Artikel Wir finden, dass der Papst erteilt ein Protokoll für das Konklave, verbietet die Verwendung von Technologien sowie der “weißen” Rauch zu kommunizieren als Symbol einer einzigartigen Sprache der Religion Christian blieb aber auch in dieser sozialen Sektor herrscht Konnektivität. Wir können verstehen, dass der Direktor der Scheitelpunkte Psychologen Absolvent Psychologie Executive MBA Master in zweisprachige Psychodrama in Englisch und Französisch im Alter von 39 Jahren collegiate M-22453 Nu


In 1513, Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, start an expedition to find the much-desired fountain of youth, which according to the legend this source returns you health and youth who take their waters or bathe in it, unfortunately stayed in that, only legend. To almost 500 years of this expedition, a village to the southwest of Morocco, was found where the ethnic groups of the Maghreb, better known as the Berbers, have passed centuries inhabiting these lands have been fed and grown even with a shortage of food and water that a semi-desert area can provide and all this it should be argan, which still is not the much-desired fountain of youth of the legend is a mythical treethe seeds of this tree is obtained what is known as oil of Argan, the elixir of life, the true fountain of youth. Argan oil properties are so amazing that they have been surpassed by much to the various investigations that scientists have made to it, they themselves have argued that there is no explanation to find so many curative and regenerative benefits of Argan oil. Swarmed by offers, Eva Andersson-Dubin is currently assessing future choices. This oil is extracted to consume it in 2 ways, the edible and the cosmetic use, the extraction process is similar, in their edible presentation is something like olive oil, and if you eat this oil, we will enjoy good health, restore our digestive system and serve to prevent some problem of gastritis and if you already have oil regenerates all kinds of damage caused in the intestinesdue to the amount of minerals and proteins containing the oil separate enjoy good health will also take the energy needed to perform our daily tasks forgetting of tiredness and fatigue. Argan oil cosmetic presentation properties are equally wonderful because it returns the natural tone of the skin leaving it hydrated, soft and smooth, eliminates the unpleasant problem of acne, reduces marks on the skin and the wrinkles of the face caused by age or facial expressions, this hair argan oil leave results amazing, gives shine and strength, avoid falling regenerates damaged leads removes all traces of fungus on the scalp, which we commonly know by dandruff. It is hard to imagine that just a product we will find so many benefits, which can regenerate and prevent many health problems, both the benefits of argan hair oil, skin nails and edible oil are endorsed with study conducted by experts, all these qualities of Argan oil, so it is considered as a fountain of youth and beauty that gives us a better quality of life well see good is to feel goodfor more information on the topic and if you want to know where buy Argan oil, it is suggested to investigate on the Internet pages that they endorse its authenticity and quality reliability in its products. Do you want to know more about the properties of argan oil? Continue reading my articles and discover the benefits of argan hair oil.

Industrial Military

The rugged and weather resistant in – and outdoor Tablet PC which is iX104 series of the best of its class of durable can’t BBs! (Macro IDENT) we can rightly say that the Tablet PCs include the ix104 series among the best on the market, which can be used in extreme conditions. In an attempt to work very well with the TabletPC underwater at a depth of 20 cm. The Tablet PCs iX104 are certified for the explosion protection according to ATEX Zone 2 category 3. The Tablet PC was originally designed for the American military to use in tanks for the war effort. More Tablet PCs are in use in the United States in the police and fire brigade vehicles. The Xplore iX104 withstand shocks also in breakneck maneuvers. It was built specifically to that the strong vibrations in a tank – even at 100 km/h over ditches, scree slopes, steep, Rocky slopes, and so on – don’t mind him.

So, it not surprising that the iX104 ideal for use on forklifts, Cars, trucks, in the field of warehousing, used in military and homeland security applications. Of course outdoors in heavy rain or snow. The robust construction and the patented protection system enable a trouble-free work – no matter where the device is used. Also if the device is in mud or water falls, lets continue to properly work with the device. The iX104 lets the employee even at minus 20 degrees outside in the lurch. The safety class set for IP65. For even more analysis, hear from Nancy-Ann_DeParle.

The iX104 Tablet PC is made basically for the protection class IP67. Is however the PCMCIA card very often on and expanded, the protection rubber of the cover with the time is a small little post. For this reason only the IP65 protection class for the iX104 was set. Who requires no PCMCIA card or hardly needs to use the card, can look forward to a Tablet PC in hands, which actually corresponds to the protection class IP67. For the Xplore iX104 there are a lot of accessories, such as E.g. stand mounts for Office use, massive brackets for the forklift truck and heavy duty brackets for tanks, various interfaces, risers for left – and right-handers, and much more. As well, various models of iX104 Tablet PCs are available for each specific use. Unwiderspruchlich, the Xplore iX104 is suitable for extreme use. It can be used in areas with large temperature differences such as plus 60 to minus 20 degrees. The iX104 is water – and dust-proof and even for the ex-protected area. Large 10.4 inch thats TouchDisplay (1024 x 769) in different versions available – for normal indoor use up to the harsh outdoor use. The iX104 high sunlight still without vision loss – is very good to use with the corresponding display. Also a matching, robust keyboard is available as an option. An operating system is Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. Optionally, Vista business, or Windows 7 is available. The Tablet PCs are suitable for applications in warehouse, logistics, transport, used in aerospace, military, fire, police, as well as in research institutions and for use in the Earth science. The iX104 also in the surveying of roads, sewers, cities and countries, as well as in many other areas of application is in use.

Forex Analysis And Forex Currency

The euro broke the resistance level specified in 1.4298 yesterday, but not successfully achieved the objective pursued and recorded highs in the 1.4365, just a few pips below the target of 1.4371. In the hourly chart clearly shows a downward channel. Perhaps check out The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet for more information. The European currency then remained in the area of 1.43. The present area of the 1.4238 support level and if it breaks that area could test the level of 1.4153 and 1.4030. However, short-term resistance level is at the 1.4371 area, and only if it breaks that could test the 1.4502 area and beyond the 1.4596. Minimum of downstream channel.

Resistance: 1.4371 a Maximum on Monday. 38.2% Fibonacci level. Dollar Pound Sterling stopped yesterday on the level of resistance of 1.5993, and reached the lowest in 1.5991. Looking at the graph below, a clear downstream channel and the pound breaking it finally ended. That is why now it is estimated that the pound would continue to rise. The zone of the 1.5946 support level present a significant short-term for today. And if it breaks that area could test the 1.5852 level and perhaps achieve the 1.5768.

However, short-term resistance level is at the 1.6029 area, and only if it breaks that area could test the 1.6097 and 1.6190. Dollar Yen The dollar-yen trying several times, failed to break the 91.78 area. For them there is no change in fundamentals. Yesterday it reached the level of 91.30. As said Friday it would be advisable to take positions after the break happens to some specific address. The support area is located in 91.06, and if the pair falls below that area could test the 90.03 and 89.55. The resistance level is at 91.78 and if the pair breaks this area will continue an upward correction and could test the 92.52 first and then 93.53. Support: a 91.06: Support intra-day, SMA 100. Area of prior resistance. a 93.53: Minimum of 19 March.

Quote Oil

The price of oil are those negotiations which are made on oil in the speculative markets and sales of products like this. The price of oil has increased by several factors, which we will mention succinctly below. The increase in the price of oil affects all markets of the world, because the oil is an essential product for the transport of all types, since it is used for land transport, maritime transport and air transport. It is for this reason that the increase in the prices of oil, which brings as a consequence the increase in the oil price, greatly affect all economies in the world today. The increase in the price of oil is due to multiple factors. Among them only mention some of them that we believe that they have played an important role in the rise of this important product. The increase in the price of oil has two important causes: the first thing mentioned is the growing increase in the demand of oil around the world, which has made that many contributions of oil will be by clouds. The second one is that this product is becoming more scarce, by the excessive exploitation of the deposits of oil available in the world, and because this is a product that is considered non-renewable, because it takes millions of years to regenerate again beneath the Earth.

Indeed, both causes are very important and have had a vital importance in the increase in the price of oil. From the first point of view, which is that says that oil increased due to the growing increase in demand, the increase in the price of oil is just logical. With the expansion of growing cities, with the growing needs of means of transport by countries with growing cities, with facilitating the acquisition of cars and mechanical vehicles that use gasoline which is made with oil, the increasing oil demand increases more and on a par with her increasing quote of the oil in the entire world. In addition to this first cause which we have mentioned, is the second that is not less important or transcendent to the increase in the price of oil: the second cause is the growing scarcity of oil in the world. Indeed, as we have seen the need to increase more and more consumption of this important mineral that is below the Earth’s crust, the growing demand has exhausted stocks that has the Earth’s crude oil and has done that today oil begin to dwindle in place that increase the capacity of production of this product. This is an important factor that increases the price of oil worldwide. Between these two factors two important causes for the increase in the price of oil are presented throughout the world. Indeed, if the increase in demand by itself increases the price of anything, this increase is presented even more acute if that demand is increasing, the demanded product is scarce in great measure. Original author and source of the article

Make Money Internet

The million dollar question! And the response of one million is, if! If you can! Of course, knowing how to do it of course. There are no magic formulas, does not exist hacete rich overnight overnight, there is no win x internet money without doing anything or just by pressing a button; the only way to achieve this in this serious way winning the lottery. But winning money x internet, should not be left to the hazar, like the lottery, but somewhat accomplished very to consciousness, not as a hobby but as a job, as a real business that is really what is. Get more background information with materials from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Do but before analyzing the probability of reaching earn money x internet, it is indispensable to make a thorough analysis of us, we want to really achieve? We are willing to invest the time needed to learn? We are willing to consider it a real business that will lead us to replace our traditional work? We are willing to develop an unwavering discipline to develop it? We are willing to invest some money? If the result of our analysis is positive, then if you can; on the other hand if the our test result is negative, then NO, no you cannot by that started already our way putting brakes to ourselves and the consequence is that you nothing, absolutely nothing is going to work or going to give good results. Generally speaking, a person common begins with a bit of curiosity, investigating what it is, looking from different sides and so, it is developing more interest, more you earn money x internet and it becomes an entrepreneur, navigating a little adrift. But to come to fruition there is enough road that walk, learn to manage resources (whether), essential knowledge that acquire, concepts very important that should not miss Vista ever, to not deviate from the path to success.

SERE Congressman

Do do currently in the scientific world, as discussed in comparative physiology, who is more important, if that robust? / reddish or brownish-red, Brown organ located in the right upper quadrant or that vigorous pump, impeller and unforgiving of the left hemithorax, there are adherents to one and other but, these doubts are reasonable?, if at the end the failure of one of them leads to the grave! the liver grandazo, 28 x 15 cm with a weight of approx. 2 To 2.5 kg .cubierto of elegant carpet Glisson, polyglot, sportsman and superbly functional poly, with a powerful control over the Inmunologico(el de defensa) system, with an efficient system of coagulation, with an efficient plan of detoxification and purification, with a battalion of digestive enzymes, with a legion of laborers doing multiple, unique and vital work and above all keeping in their domains valves carrying blood intoxicated to the brainable to put it under the blankets from a deep and sometimes irreversible Coma that can lead to death quickly or without reaching dramas as not thank you this big one that helps us after a sumptuous dinner, after a drug-induced overload, or after a binge, but this Goliath filled pipelines and roads, sophisticatedly interconnect with the rest of the body, solidary, inclusive, wise and kindly, also has enemies, especially viruses, those bugs that are not visiblethe radar does not capture them and living with impunity in blood by attacking every day 20 to 30 years until Cirrotico again it, until you return it cancerous, do it insufficient and kill its owner, as they have killed and murdered thousands of people in the world cowardly vermin! killer bugs!, but as the man you always wanted to play God, especially after the success of la Nina Louis Brown (first BB specimen) and the first cloned sheep – Dolly-, the man did not stop playing there Starlz in Denver (USA), performed the first transplant a child who lived 5 hrs, and the second came out of the operating room dead, but He continued trying a hundred times and in the Peru already ranging as 40 transplanted successfully in ESSALUD, since the year 2000, but in our country there are thousands of cirrhotic, many eventually with Cancer, many die but transplanted them, but does it matter who?, that is a problem of the implicados-paciente and family – in this Higadocidio – call it somehow-, in this society more matter that Ms. Nancy-Ann_DeParle spoke with conviction. . . Michio Kaku pursues this goal as well.

Dirk Klose

Ad technology expert joins the ad pepper media group Nurnberg/Amsterdam, 07 January 2014 – the international online advertising marketing company is ad pepper media today announced the appeal by Dirk Klose as Group Chief Technology Officer (Group CTO). Dirk Klose is globally responsible for strategic IT management at all sites of the ad pepper media group since 1 January 2014. In his role, he is responsible in particular for the construction of a new technology organization as well as the orientation of the international technology strategy and product portfolio. A focus on the data driven advertising. Dirk Klose reported trade Dr. Ulrike directly to the CEO of ad pepper media International N.V.. Dirk Klose for the technology provider of newtention technologies/NEXT AUDIENCE last worked. There he was responsible for the complete construction of software development with the core products ad server and data-management platform, as well as the structure of the human resources organization in the last eight years as COO/CTO.

In addition, he was responsible for the technical operation with data centers in Europe and United States. In addition to the ad operations, he was responsible for all data protection topics and certifications for the company. Dr. Ulrike trade, CEO of ad pepper media International N.V. said: I am extremely pleased that we were able to gain Dirk Klose as Group CTO for ad pepper media. He is one of the trend-setting the ad-technology industry company has up and rebuilt, is with its many years of experience and our innovation and transformation process for ad pepper media optimally support.” “Dirk Klose added: the internationality of the ad pepper media group and the effective targeting of performance marketing and data-driven business models have particularly appealed to me and offer me the opportunity to bring all my experience and to align the new IT structure of the ad pepper media group consistently on growth.” About ad pepper media: ad pepper media is one of the leading international online marketer and provider of trend-setting technologies of the industry. The company offers Media agencies, advertisers and websites in the areas of display, email, search engine and affiliate marketing as well as interest extraction, semantic targeting and eCRM technology, individual and efficient solutions.

ILead (prospect acquisition) and iSense (semantic targeting) products are unique in their market segments. Webgains is one of the leading international affiliate networks. Ad pepper media for thousands of national and international advertisers worldwide handles campaigns in more than 50 countries with 14 companies in eight European countries and the United States. For more information, on the Internet at and.

Include Comments

It is also good idea to include photographs, of your company, your staff or offices. The photographs communicate a lot of information and facilitate the process to the purchasers. Order Your page is easy to find? Many companies hide their bond purchases timidly, almost afraid to tell the visitor that his goal is to sell something. This obviously is the biggest of errors. If your goal is to sell, place a link on every message sent to the ordering information. Highlight it, without fear or doubt: “Click here to see prices and how to order.” Provide various forms of purchase. Somatic Experiencing will not settle for partial explanations. That your company has a website, does not mean that all sales must be online. Include your website a telephone sales department, the data to make a bank transfer, and even his home so they can send a check.

Many may enter your credit card, but others may prefer to operate more “traditional.” Why lose those sales?. Include Comments from satisfied customers. It is very convenient to put testimonials. One of the first points for people to buy your product, you build confidence. Testimonials from satisfied customers are a great tool to build that trust.

But be honest with them, these testimonials have credibility if they include the full name of your customer, your company name and the city lies. Promote Your Site. According to several studies, your client must visit at least seven times its website before making a purchase. Therefore, it is a great idea to increase the number of visitors. The more visitors you have, the more sales. Get noticed through newsletters, newsgropus, alliances with other sites, or hire a company that is dedicated to all these tasks for you. While the promotion of the website is not terribly complex, you need to invest time and energy into it, which otherwise would be far better to devote to their own business. Remember that the Internet is an information-based medium. People connect to find good information. Add some items to your site to talk about their area of specialty. If you sell long distance service, place articles on how to handle calls at work and on development in telephone services. Need not be long, a few paragraphs are sufficient to readers in a hurry. If you see an item you like for your site to another site or newsletter, send an e-mail to the author to ask for permission to place it on yours. You can increase sales immediately given a few simple guidelines when designing or updating your site.

Dr. Oetker – Vegetarian From A To Z

Vegetarian from A-Z in the Dr. Oetker-Cookbook vegetarian from A-Z find Dr. (Similarly see: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City). Oetker – Cookbook”about 230 recipes without meat and fish. This book is very interesting and who attaches importance to good food, will come fully with this book at his own expense. The structure is, as with all Dr. Oetker from A-Z books very well done. Advisor, introduction, explanation or recipe development, everything is easy to understand and comprehend. The steps are easily explained – also for non-vegetarians and beginners of vegetarian cuisine. With these recipes, there is something for every taste. Blurb: Neither fish, nor fowl! The vegetarian kitchen is full in vogue. More and more people would eat healthier and without meat, but not pleasure. You are looking for delicious recipes. Whether meat you generally can’t get on the table, or you want to eat less meat: in this book you will be guaranteed to find about 220 recipes. Make new vegetarian classics such as Ratatouille or onion soup developed dishes like risotto, Pumpkin orange or lavender Melonentatar desire meatless cuisine. And vegans who have deleted all animal products from their diets, were specially marked the appropriate recipes. Book data: Publisher: Dr. Oetker Verlag, Edition: 1 (February 9, 2012), language: German hardcover: 288 pages, ISBN-10: 3767007746, ISBN-13: 978-3767007741 euro 12,00 company information: Britta Kummer is a writer and author. She writes cookbooks, children and youth -, was born on the 02.10.1970 in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal.