THE ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI in the roundtable dialogue on bilingual education of the MEC see information (click) on: Friday, 12 March 2010, 8 to 12 hours, was held the second dialogue table on bilingual education, organized by the Ministry of education in conjunction with the National Commission on bilingualism, intending to discuss the challenges and opportunities in which teaching and learning in Spanish and Guarani is implemented in our country. The meeting took place in the Ministry of education, located on 15 August / Gral. Diaz and Haedo, 2nd floor. The ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI received note No. 31, sent by LIC. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Hector Valdez Ale, Deputy Minister of education for educational development; invitandonos to expose about the bilingual education theme and the elaboration of didactic materials. Of officers participated, in character of exhibitors: the Prof..
Maria Elvira Martinez de Campos (member of the National Committee of) Bilingualism), Ms. For more information see Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Maria Teresa Ferreira (representative of a publisher of texts), Prof. Ramon Gimenez (teacher of schools and colleges of Belen, Concepcion); and David Galeano Olivera, Director-General of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI. They acted in moderating the DRA. Aida Torres de Romero, Member of the National Commission of bilingualism, and lic. Nancy Benitez by the MEC.
Among the attendees were the following members of the National Commission of bilingualism: Dr. Ramiro Dominguez (Coordinator), DRA. Maria Eva Mansfeld de Aguero, Lic. Estela Appleyard Acuna, DRA. Celsa Bareiro de Soto, and the Mg. Ramon Silva. By the National Ministry of culture participated Lic. Susy Delgado and Miguelangel Meza. In addition, Curriculum officers and other dependencies of the MEC. The ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI clarified that these tables of dialogue have their origin in the meeting with Dr. Luis Riart, Minister of education; in December 2009; occasion you have stopped the intention of reducing and exclude the teaching of Guarani in the middle tier. On the other hand, the ATENEO clarified that it participates in these tables in the confidence which they will emerge the change that will strengthen the presence of the Guarani in all levels of the Paraguayan education. In that sense, ATENEO trusts the word of the Minister and his commitment to change, looking for quality and excellence in Paraguayan education.