Modern Life: Reaction And Action

"If you want to live, then you have to work, or how to justify passive job insecurity, suicides at work, bored at work, etc.. Before, they worked the land, to be able to get all the food that needed, and more, life was hard. It worked because we all knew that our lives depended on it, even unconsciously, you do not need this maxim to work: our body works alone, while our brains time even though it is entertainment, even if we sleep. For any job, that maxim is outdated (as even the idle does not work, he will eventually get bored, that he will push working, but not in the sense of this board.) If we take all human work, work all the time, but why life is conditioned primarily by the need to work to live, and what that she asks us to do? For it assumes that we have the choice, because it does not say anything if you do not check the law. For more information see this site: Gina Bonati. But if one believes that involvement as hard as iron, we say that we must work, because this law is similar to that of nature. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. wanted to know more. Although it is closer to the origins of Adam and Eve. It has a double meaning: either you are working in the most primitive peoples, it searches for food, or you work for someone to make money. It does not say "if you want to live, you must find food" (there is limited work in primitive work), but said "if you want to live, so you have to find work under contract to a company under the authority of someone.