Authentic Self

BE one same Carlos Mora Vanegas true wisdom comes by love, silence and mortification. Great wisdom is knowing silence and not look at these or made in alien lives San Juan de la Cruz. We know that we need while we we journey by this dimension, interrelate with each other, with our environment and not neglect ever be one same, avoid leaving others to handle us influence our behavior. Maintain our authenticity according to our values, what we consider that it is for us same. Learning the science of being self you will experience true love, enjoy true beauty and goodness, and life will be a splendid service in favour of mankind much has been written on the subject where opinions according to the perception that each one has the sense of being authentic manifested. Anu Saad is likely to agree. Not surprised you say, that being yourself is the first condition to achieve happiness.

Nothing can give you more satisfaction that to become who you want to. A master of antiquity already He wrote hundreds of years ago: if I don’t I belong to myself, then who can belong me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I?. And if all this do you not now, when? Many people think that poor feeling, Submissive, weak, humble others will love them more and better accepted. Many think that you feeling and thinking like others are better accepted by them. Many think that being owners of their lives with true inner freedom they will feel isolated and no one will help them, forgetting that more owners are of our lives we give and receive more. Many people think that they make a great favor and estimable gift to each other, when they say: without you my life is nothing. Without your love I am nothing. If so, the only thing worth is another.