It is the politician most popular of the Land. Follow others, such as cardiologist, and add to your knowledge base. Nemsempre one politician with intellectual and academic formation superior as ado Mr. Obama is free to commit, on behalf of the dirty relativismo of the jogopoltico, a mico of so great ratio, when signaling this credential of more popular politician of the Land for disqualified the etlicoRetirante Pinquio in a reciprocal meeting of leaders mundiais.CComo our etlico leader returns one of its idiotices: goes to be chic to loan to money for the FMI, provoking smiles emuma auditorium of other idiotic bajuladores of one disqualified politician. Diantedo moral and ethical chaos where if it finds the public power of ours pasessa rank, ironic or not, of Mr. Here, Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Obama, was absolutamentedesnecessria and inopportune, at a moment at which the potnciaeconmica greater of the world if finds dived in a economic crisis degrandes ratio caused mainly for the canalhices of umsistema> explored in the case of a mismanagement escroto of what of umpas lead by somebody nationalist-patriot, worthy and honest. Comsua phrase Mr. Obama calls the Brazilian society redundante idiot what gangs of the quarentas to promote the enrichment illicit of the new petista bourgeoisie and deseus abetters, and to accomplish the project delinquent of perpetual power dopetismo. In ours in case that the elimination of the fiscal paradises not temmuita importance, therefore the scoundrel of the petismo and its abetters already have umparaso bigger and very more efficient in Brazil, that is the dFantasia Island of> frum privileged and estoprotegidos by a relativista Judiciary Power, equipped for amigose protected of the most popular etlico leader of the planet. Infelizfrase of Mr. Obama will be able to still help the etlico disqualified one to aconseguir to reach its objective to place in the presidency terroristEstela, to get the immunity for all the crimes of injures-ptriacometidos for the petista mismanagement during its two mandates.