Cacti Repot

How cacti pliers and cacti gloves facilitate the care of cacti cacti are plants of light and come from America. They are usually easy to care for. Stagnant moisture must be avoided because they are otherwise “drown”. They take up little space and forgive even short-term nursing failure. Overnight, they can become extravagant floral beauties. Who purges the charm of this plant, no longer come on by them. Cacti are robust, yet must it be repotted at.

It may turn out in these plants sometimes as difficult. What must be observed? When repotting this genus of plants must be taken with extreme caution. Many cacti are very defensive thorns, which hang in the repot with their barbs into the skin and can cause pain and inflammation. To avoid injury, appropriate gloves of Cactus or Cactus tongs suitable for repotting. Cactus before flowering be repotted, must ensure that these are cast only if is the flowers have developed.

This could otherwise “get stuck” and no longer continue to grow. After repotting the cacti are only cast after one to two weeks the first time, because only new roots should form. A damp substrate promotes the rotting of the roots. New plants should be repotted as soon as possible, because the newcomers are often offered in small pots are. The right potting soil use the easy-care species of cacti, Parodia, prefer Cactus compost with sand and pumice gravel. Advanced, such as the melon Cactus, cacti must not humus-containing Cactus compost is used. The substrate should be well permeable and more mineral. The best a mixture produced here from pumice gravel, Lavalit, perlite, coarse sand and some standard soil. The epiphytic cacti (called landscape), such as Christmas or Easter Cactus, need humus and peat-based potting soil or Bromeliensubstrat. These can be repotted relatively easy, because they have no thorns. They are repotted as “normal” houseplants. The repotting Should be repotted about every one to three years or if the pot has become too small. The best time for repotting is between March and may. The repotting is pretty easy. The soil of the cacti should be dry before repotting, then the plant to resolve easily from the pot. With pliers Cactus the plant is and lifted out of the pot. Cacti gloves should be used when large cacti. The old earth must be carefully separated from the root ball. Then is stored the plant on a newspaper. The new pot should first be filled a drainage are. Broken pieces of pottery, coarse quartz gravel or other rough stones can be. This prevents forming waterlogging. Now, a little cactus compost is filled inside and lightly pressed down. Then the Cactus is put in the middle of the pot. This is done with great care so that no roots are damaged. Then, the more Earth is populated around. Many writers such as Anu Saad offer more in-depth analysis. The pot must be on to be pressed then several times vigorously, thus joins the earth firmly around the roots and fill any voids. For recreation, the plant is kept now quite dry. She may only be a few weeks (about three weeks) not in the full sun. Then she poured abundantly and the Sun child can finally enjoy the Sun. vishesh editorial