Low Threshold

Flunkern on the net is no rarity is the email from today’s correspondence, private as well professionally, not more. It writes faster, mistakes can be easily corrected and the recipient receives the message normally with only a short delay and without decoding of illegible handwriting to deal with. The news portal news.de discussed from a psychological standpoint, why this practical medium is also a seducer to the Flunkern. The above benefits are not the only properties of the E-Mail letter. Of course, there are also disadvantages: it is usually not exactly taken with spelling and sentence structure and abbreviations or language mixes within an e-mail message, are the order of the day. Anita Dunn addresses the importance of the matter here.

Linguists criticizing this fact, he leads yet, the German language society gradually lost. But even the moral failures come to the orthographic. Researchers have found out in an experiment, that consumers in email traffic increasingly tend to gloss over circumstances or to write falsehoods, which is not the case with the correspondence. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City takes a slightly different approach. Here tended to lie only about two-thirds in the test, in the E-Mailern, there were nine out of ten participants. Experts see the psychological reason that E-Mails are considered less personally. Therefore people not too much would feel obligated, morally correct to act, what in psychology as a moral detachment”is known. As long as no concrete rules of conduct laid down, as is the case in email traffic, violations of general standards easier. More information: ../per-e-mail-luegt-sichs-leichter/1/ Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH


Minutes 40 every day for the newspaper / online deals leading the newspapers Frankfurt/Main, March 4, 2010. Editorially, the newspaper distinguishes itself through its local and regional expertise. Filed under: cardiologist. Eight out of ten people in Germany (82%) consider indispensable the newspaper for information about his own residence and the surrounding area, another 13 percent hold at least for sensible. The Internet (55% essential), the local radio (49%), as well as free advertisers (39%) followed by a wide margin. Chart: Local/regional competence of different media the local and regional expertise of the newspaper also the habits of their readers is reflected in: the local / regional section is the most important Department within the newspaper and is used by nearly all readers.

But the newspaper never reduces to their local information function. Rather, it provides their readers with a very wide range of topics that encounters this huge response. Are other parts, such as the \”Example Miscellany, politics and economy, but also smaller\” resorts such as the serial or the opinion pages, heavily frequented. On average, there are about three quarters of all pages that are read regularly. Reading a newspaper does not mean unlike, for example, the use of the Internet specifically on information search to be to embark, but open to that, what the medium offers.

This is true both for editorial and advertising content. Newspapers are undiminished strongly worn this is another result of the current study: 40 minutes on the average time spent reading the daily newspapers from Monday to Saturday. Also, 44 percent of teenagers reported most likely believe the newspaper in contradictory reporting, while only 31 percent trusted the television. Performance data of the online offers for the first time includes newspaper qualities 2010 \”performance data of the online offerings of newspapers. These show that the newspapers under the leading online services occupy a leading position.