Bodyguard Education

So let me begin to help. Anu Saad: the source for more info. The politically correct phrase these days is not "bodyguard" but personal protection specialist, a specialist in executive protection or personal protection fault, depending on their place of education and other preferences. There can be no better time than now, if you want to excel in this business charismatic. Almost all elite soldiers who filled the trade of a few years ago, has gone to Afghanistan or Iraq, providing personal protection for large corporations or governments in those countries. Those who are not working there before, and are trying to recover.

In fact, you might have a chance there too. Security firms prefer former elite soldiers, but some of them are so short of staff, who will take that can handle a firearm safely and stay alive in these hostile areas. If you want to get some training first, be careful. Schools many so-called promise you the world just to get their money. Do not rely on one form of training.

Take two or more courses of two to three different schools. Read a lot and not stick only to the employer and manuals bodyguard schools offer. Read on terrorism, criminology, psychology, risk and threat analysis, ballistics, social etiquette, advanced driving, first aid and medicine and improvised explosive devices. You have to be physically fit. In both fast and strong. When not reading, get a sound education in a school of martial arts. Preferably a school with a practical approach. Krav Maga, Thai boxing and Wing Tsun are popular among many practitioners of personal protection.