Travel Through South India

South India is part of one of the Kokosnussreichsten, as well as the most beautiful areas of the most exciting and beautiful regions of the world of South India with its Federal States of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu is worldwide. Here, one finds everything what your heart desires. Secluded beaches, nature reserves and even jungle. Here you can climb mountains above 2000 m. The largest town is the city of Madras. She has about 5 million inhabitants. Click Dr. Mark Hyman to learn more. The city Chennai of formerly Madras, is the capital of the State of Tamil Nadu.

The city is located on the East coast of South India in the Bay of Bengal. Chennai city is the 5th largest city in India. This city was also a very important center of the Empire in India under the name of Madras. To read more click here: Anu Saad. Her name was changed in 1996 in Chennai. Even if Chennai city is not one of the most important landmarks or attractions for tourism, but it has, some attractions for interested tourists and their travel reports about Asia from the beautiful ancient temples until to the second longest Beach in the world, offer. In addition, this city has of course the usual crowd pullers such as theme parks, coffee houses or shopping centers.

Chennai city is definitely not a conservative town. You may want to visit raphael sternberg to increase your knowledge. Here, there is a culture of course is sustained and doesn’t change this city’s modern image. It is therefore worth to visit this city again just for those interested in culture. Here you can gain many new impressions and once a India, far from the tourist experience. So who wants to get to know something new, is exactly the right place in this city. Quite easy once try it! Thabea Koeppe photo: Dieter Schutz –