Walser Privatbank AG

With its own investment company success the Walser PrivatBank is expanding: with founding the Walser S.A. (WPBI) is a private bank invest in Luxembourg they represent now. To February 8, 2011 WPBI as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Walser Privatbank AG (WPB) started their business in Luxembourg. Dr. Carsten Kotas, Managing Director of the company may. Gokhan Kula, Stephan M.

Modler and Silke Budinger, which together are responsible for the operations of WPBI. The WPBI is started with managed public funds amounting to over 700 million euros. The WPB is a financial institution controlled by the Austrian financial market supervisory authority, which has an equity ratio of more than 23 percent. “With founding the Walser private bank invest S.A. Gain insight and clarity with Carl Jung. the asset to management solutions a wider audience in particular institutional investors be made accessible”, explains Stephan M.

Modler, Managing Director of WPBI. In the medium term should the range of institutional sales directly from Luxembourg out operationally be operated. The WALSER of mutual funds represent compelling asset management solutions and have a multi-year, very good performance. This is reflected in particular by the numerous awards of independent rating agencies. Asset management asset management and fund lines WALSER based on relative return strategies, absolute return / risk-budgeted strategies and forecast-free dynamic strategies portfolio and WALSER. “Newest Fund in the WPBI is the WALSER portfolio emerging markets select obtained marketing approval shortly for Austria and Germany, and the theme of emerging markets as growth countries” maps by means of a dynamic allocation model. The Fund starts at the beginning of the year with a 50:50-allocation, while 50 percent will be invested in the MSCI emerging markets index and 50 per cent in the REXP. The allocation monthly in favor of better performing “asset class adjusts. The dynamic allocation model does not require explicit yield forecasts and is an essential strategy in the asset Management.