The research demonstrated despite 100% of the interviewed ones they had complained of at least some problem of health. The complaints most common had been: Mental fatigue 57.89%, Sleeplessness 57.89%, Pain in coasts 52.63%, Esquecimento 47.37%, Pain in column 47.37%, Pain in the arms/shoulder 42.11% and Nervousness 36.84%, being able to be related with environment of work intrinsically overcrowded and agitated. The referring data to the self-medication had demonstrated that: 100% of the interviewed ones they had bought medicines without the medical indication at least some time; The main reason for the self-medication is the previous experience with the medicine (63.15%); The medicines acquired without medical indication did not have the influence of third 42.11% or were indicated by family 36.32%. The consumed medicines more without medical indication had been: Analgesics/Relaxante muscular 68.42%, Vitamins 52.63%, Chemical preparations for cough and cooled 31.58%, nasal Laxatives 26.32%, Antiinflamatrio/Antireumticos 26.32%, Calmantes and/or hipnticos 26.32%. The use of polivitamnicos must be related for the complaint of mental fatigue. The muscular analgesics, relaxantes antiinflammatory with the complaints of pains in the coasts/column and arms/shoulders, and the calmantes and hipnticos with the sleeplessness complaints. Amongst the medicines that more had been consumed by the educators through the self-medication, the ones whom more they worry are Calmantes and/or hipnticos 26.32%, since they are medicines citizens the special control and that they can generate physical and psychic dependence, these medicines would have to be excused only by means of medical prescription retention, however it is not this what it happens in accordance with resulted of the research. The relation of problems and consequences that was described in the work can below be exemplificada in the organization chart: 1 Problems in the work environment Fall in the income of the work Worsening of the process teach-learning. 2 Problems in the work environment Problems of Possible health Self-medication problems related to the self-medication.
Ay: Temmuz 2020
Natural Medicine
E. the celery that grows in the Peruvian Amazon, is an outstanding plant to help the kidney and adrenal glands. F. Maca is a plant that grows in the Peruvian Amazon, which increases libido and improves the quantity and quality of semen. G.-the cat’s claw which grows in the Peruvian Amazon, which is used to treat rheumatism, inflammation of the prostate, fever, cough and the bites of snakes.
Such is the case that there of dozens of medicinal plants documented scientific evidence but lack that Western science knows hundreds of medicinal plants more even than today in day are known. Ailments or serious diseases: for the case of ailments or diseases considered to be serious or very serious the Peruvian Natural Medicine has managed to succeed in a combination of medicinal plants that they try and cure CANCER and the VH+SIDA, such plants are native of the Peruvian jungle (specifically of the Loreto Region collection of leaves, stems, roots and barks are made at the time of low water (low level of the river)) Amazon) this means that does not grow in some other place, region or country, at least until today is our knowledge. From experience we know that when we move to a different place to its Natural Habitat (medicinal plants) several factors affect them: climate change, the changing temperature, the distance that affects its moisture (they dry out, wilt or spoil due to that they are not in their own Natural Habitat (the jungle) currently exists a doctor naturopathic that based on their knowledge and years of experience (inborn and seized skills) in practice of natural medicine) He has managed to give with the right combination of medicinal plants that heal minor illnesses and serious illnesses such as CANCER or the VH + – AIDS, that person now, in these moments is providing treatment and curing patients of these diseases in the city of Iquitos..