The Real Plan

The Real currency (R$) made 15 years day 01/07/2009 Our protagonist, the Real currency come back. In the truth a tool of the REAL PLAN. She is necessary still to come back in the time to make right the chronology of this plan: In May of 1993 it assumes the Treasury department Fernando Enrique Cardoso, the president was then Frank Itamar that substitua Collor, annulled in August of 1992. In August of 1993 dumb the effective currency and completely devaluated of Cruise for Real Cruise. More info: Glenn Dubin, New York City. In February of 1994, the MP n 434 creates the Real Unit of Valor (URV). In March of 1994 it was created Deep the Social one of Emergncia (FSE). The bases of the plan were being planted and finally, in 1 of July of 1994 it occurs launching of the currency, the Real (R$). The personages of the time were the call group of PUC-River and the House of the Garas, an institute of economic research.

Known and respected economists. We can say that group was composed for Frank Itamar, the president, Fernando Enrique Cardoso, Secretary of the Treasury, and the economists Peter Malan, Gustavo Franc, Edmar Bacha, Prsio Arida and Andres Lara Resende in the Central banking and assessorship. The main actions of the Real Plan had been: Desindexao of the economy saw creation URV, that I repute the most important measure for having broken the vicious cycle of the inflation that arrebentava the country since middle of the decade of 80. The indexation was the terror therefore the future expectation fed the machine of readjustments that only confirmed this expectation and created a vicious cycle of the inflation in spiral. The URV was responsible for the transistion of a rotten currency, for a good currency. One program of privatizations, at the time an inspired world-wide modismo in the results harvested for Margaret Thatcher in England.

Play Therapy

The ludoterapia is the therapy carried through through playing. If you are not convinced, visit Dr. Mark J Berger. The children express its emotions, feelings through the tricks, therefore they do not obtain to express its internal contents through speak as the adults. – Playing for the child is the way most easy of if communicating and understanding what it is feeling and living deeply as: the fear, frustration, unreliability, shyness, anxiety, aggressiveness, confusion In this way, it facilitates so that it understands same itself and the others and thus helping, that it obtains to deal with its conflicts. – The main parents or the responsible ones also participate of this process of treatment of the child so that the psychologist gets information on the reason that took the family to look the support for the child in the first when also necessary interview and, of the information on as it is being the treatment process and to guide on the doubts of the parents. DEBORA ALFAMA DUARTE – PSYCHOLOGIST – 05/31112 CRP – RIO DE JANEIRO (CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, ADULTS).

Diving Tours In Bali

Universal place for diving, perfect as experienced divers and beginners – this island of Bali. Bali is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, the Java Sea and the Bali Sea. Most scuba diving located in the southeastern and eastern parts of the island of Bali. Diving in Bali distributed along the coral walls and diving with underwater currents. Here you will find everything you need for good diving: – Beautiful equatorial climate. The ideal water temperature is usually 26-27 C. Excellent weather conditions the average air temperature 27-33 C. Remarkable visibility of about 40m.

Those who possess the necessary experience and qualifications can schedule a dive at great depths. Frequently Nancy-Ann_DeParle has said that publicly. Best time to visit – from April to November. During the rainy season (December – March), visibility is limited. – A variety of dive sites. Places to dive a lot, and not one of They do not like the others.

In the waters of the island sank an American ship around and inside the vehicle runs rough underwater life. There is a dive in the habitat of sharks to underwater rocks, and diving for the lovers of the underwater photography. Diving in Bali offers drift diving. Cardiologist may not feel the same. Attack as many places to dive for beginners. – A colorful flora and fauna. The scenery here and the inhabitants of the underwater world is a vivid spectacle reefs are completely covered incredible corals of the reef and ocean fish is huge. Variety of tropical fish (mole-mole, angel fish, napoleon fish, barracuda, fish, crocodile and many others), giant turtles, rays (Manta, spotted stingrays), sharks (hammerheads, reef, whale). – Ability to learn and practice. Without hesitation Glenn Dubin explained all about the problem. At Bali, many diving clubs that take tourists to the diplomas. For beginners, there is a possibility get a diploma on the spot. There are special courses for beginners, providing theoretical and practical training. Classes are held at a shallow depth. – Diving Safari. During a diving safari to board islands, where your attention will be given rainforests lush, quiet pristine beaches, turquoise lagoons and coral reefs, populated with endless colorful fish, mantle, and whale sharks. Bali is not for nothing is one of the best places for diving. Come and see for yourself. The island of Bali will give you a most pleasant and bright and unique experiences. Enjoy a fun diving on the island Bali.

Tips For Dealing With Las Crisis No 1

First: Accepts that it is in crisis not there is nothing more fruitless to try to solve a problem for someone who does not believe it, it will not sufficient interest, there is no dedication of energy or concentration to resolve something that does not believe that it is affecting him. This applies to any type of crisis, the alcoholics, the drug addicts and others who suffer addictions, cannot begin his real recovery until they have accepted that they have a problem and that this must be resolved. When crises do not directly affect the life is more difficult to know when it has touched bottom and when it starts the recovery. People have a great fear of change, to try new things, as set forth, prefer what they consider safe ground although it does not correspond to the ideal pursued and that is mainly the reason why refuse to abandon what is known them, prefer to try to recover it again and again, repeating the same steps, do not change anything and pray for a miracle that will allow them to achieve better results. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, an internet resource. The first impulse of any human being before a problem is denial, hurts us enormously to accept that we have failed, we are very tolerant to failure, and although many crises are not caused by our fault, we tend to think that we could or we should do more to get another result, we feel that we should give a reasonable and rational explanation that limit our liability or we release it, to make it less heavy load, and until then we exaggerated, we deny and we evade the problem, we see how it affects others, but we don’t want to see how we are affected. Deny a crisis does not change the reality, this is independent of what you think or feel, if you are in crisis but not been realized perhaps it lacks preparation, whether it is in crisis and will not accept perhaps lacks humility and common sense, this can lead to create a parallel world, a pseudo reality which cost him much support and is going to aggravate its crisis to use efforts and resources to recreate and sustain that reality parallel, rather than accept it and use resources to modify their real situation with them.

Everything About Asus Eee PC Netbooks

“Everything about the Asus Eee Netbooks and mini computer because ASUS as a quasi inventor of the NetBook” applies, PCs and accessories are presented on the completely redesigned pages mainly ASUS Eee. Continuously published but also tests and comparisons with other manufacturers.Asus has gained market share in recent years. Two years ago, they have taken place eight of selling PCs, notebooks and Netbooks in Austria, meanwhile the manufacturer from Taiwan takes the third place. Whenever Dr. Hyun Kim listens, a sympathetic response will follow. One of the most important products might be the Eee PC including, the first NetBook worldwide. The Eee PC is a NetBook now copied by many manufacturers. Frequently Anu Saad has said that publicly. “Thomas Hartl, country Manager Austria at Asus, says: we now have a separate Eee family section.” In this section, it includes everything is small including the Eee box and EEE keyboard.

The Eee keyboard was already presented at the CeBIT 2009. ASUS wants to penetrate also the ultra mobility / GSM range. Keyboard and box put the computer in the living room. The Eee box is a very small computer, where you must connect the mouse and keyboard. The Eee keyboard is only a keyboard where a PC built. Both devices bring digital movies from hard drive and Web on the TV. The Eee PC even we have noted that he has become a business unit “, says Haider. A disadvantage, however, is that the devices still no optical drive so is missing CD, DVD or Blu-ray.

The reason for this is that optical drives mechanics and electricity need. The Netbooks points but by weight and the long battery life. ASUS recommends the ones wishing you a drive, an external DVD burner. The Voruteil, agrees that Asian companies have rigid structures and are inflexible, according to Hartl not: assuming a sufficient number of pieces, the group could produce adapted configurations for the Austrian trade. Together as you would like it, but no option is his PC for Hartl, because it was not sustainable by the cost. So anyone who is interested in an Asus Eee PC, is certainly good advice, if he is informed on. Our daily updates, test reports and video clips will assist well every prospective customers the purchase decision. The slogan of ASUS also applies to our website: easy, excellent and exciting.

Verpoorten Companies

Intensive test of the ERP system for mid-market Erftstadt allows bob systemlosungen, 22 may 2013 the Erfstadter SAP system House bob systemlosungen has expanded its solution and system offering business one to a test version of the software SAP. Hear other arguments on the topic with Glenn Dubin. With the new supply, bob systemlosungen addressed potential companies, buyers and users of standard applications that want to get SAP in an impression of world market leader business software for small and medium-sized enterprises. For more specific information, check out Glenn Dubin, New York City. An installation is not necessary. The demo version is provided on the bob datacenter in a secured environment. After the necessary deployment phase of about one to two days SAP can undergo business one an intensive 90-day trial, when it permits the day or time. We opted deliberately for this long test phase, because we know how difficult and essential is the selection of an ERP system for companies”, explains Reinhard Oborski, Managing Director of bob systemlosungen, the market-unusual duration of the test period. We believe, to announce the users when selecting an ERP system safer decision with our offer.” The non-binding test shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of three months. The solution can then be provided on request.

More information about the test / demo version of SAP business can be obtained via the following link: sap-business-one/testsystem-zugang.html the default application addresses small and medium-sized companies in all industries, and supports the companies along the entire value chain. In addition to functions for finance and sales, the solution contains also processes for the processes of purchasing, warehouse management, and in the final assembly. The intuitive user interface facilitates the daily work and learning the software. The possibility to choose between different surfaces is still individual use. An integrated relationship map visualizes the document processes, starting with the first offer over Deliveries up to the payment of bills and ensuring an optimum overview. About bob systemlosungen SAP certified partner bob system solutions for more than 20 years successful IT projects for companies of all sectors performs.

Erftstadt in Cologne from manages and advises bob international companies in addition to customers in the German-speaking area too. The focus is on the design and optimization of business processes through the use of holistic and integrated solutions based on SAP products. Also develops and distributes its own products bob systemlosungen. In addition to a software for the multi channel, bob offers applications for managing customer service and sales, controlling, as well as solutions for the public administration and non-profit organisations trade and cash register systems. Well-known customers such as Haribo, Verpoorten, bofrost * and the German Red Cross rely on the services of bob system solutions. contact: bob systemlosungen / bob Bochmann & Oborski GmbH Bernhard Adebisi marketing Manager Max-Planck-str. 10 D-50374 Erftstadt Tel: + 49 2235 92302-520 fax: + 49 2235 92302-310 E-Mail: the default application addresses small and medium-sized companies in all industries, and supports the companies along the entire value chain. In addition to functions for finance and sales, the solution contains also processes for the processes of purchasing, warehouse management, and in the final assembly. The intuitive user interface facilitates the daily work and learning the software. The possibility to choose between different surfaces is still individual use. An integrated relationship map visualizes the document processes, starting with the first supply deliveries to the payment of invoices and thus guarantees an optimum overview.


In a niche so dominated by men as it is the niche of male seduction, where all the seduction Gurus are men and where the main purpose of his teachings is to apply correct strategies and techniques to attract any woman, especially the most beautiful that supposedly are those that are unattainable women for an average man without much appearance and lot of money in their pocketsles has gone and taken advantage a woman; And do know that? I love that good that finally a woman, the precious trophy of any artist of seduction is that teach men what really works and what does not to conquer a woman, that is called direct information from the source. Although your method is not very Orthodox, since she is very honest and sincere with their students, to the point that many of them reach to hate by his excessive honesty, that bluntly, he puts points on the ies of what works and what does not. A beautiful Londoner’s name Kezia Noble, a Life Coach and Female PUA Trainers that there are in Europe giving that talk at this time, when I met and I learned about this girl, I couldn’t believe it, how is it possible that a woman teach men seduction techniques? In a few words the birds by shooting him to shotguns. It must be very difficult to concentrate on the seminars she teaches, because this woman is all a goddess, it is very beautiful and this simple fact should also generate some intimidation for their students. Glenn Dubin may help you with your research. This revolutionized the PUA community around the world, because Female Trainers in this field do not exist, so she is the pioneer of the male seduction in the world. I hope to continue listening to it and their seminars and videos where he teaches really useful techniques, information as had been said first hand, directly from the source, direct information of our goal to achieve. ry offers on the topic.. A woman if you want to know more about this Female PUA Trainer, enter here and you will find not only information about it, but all the techniques and seduction Gurus in the world.. People such as Carl Rogers would likely agree.

Barak Obama Miguel

Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez says that they work in the mining areas of Mexico, he approached the poor of the country and it inspired him to do more charity work. Now supports 20 orphanages for girls. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez makes a lot of donations from his own pocket without requesting a rebate of taxes, local politicians, he said, and he is known for delivering 5,000 pesos (about 50 dollars) Bills to foreigners and to give waiters watches rather than councils. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez fulfilled the dream of his father build a mining business. Today, two of Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez mines can export a total of three million tonnes of ore of iron a year, all to Japan, said. Some contend that Glenn Dubin shows great expertise in this.

Four of its mines are three kilometres from the beach. Here in the North of Mexico was the owner of the mine for the first time in the area to pay 5,450 employees less prosperous, said Barak Obama, the President of the United States. Whenever Carl Jung listens, a sympathetic response will follow. After joining forces with Jorge Miguel Martin Alvarez, Managua was built around 900 homes between 2006 and 2007, a goal that no one else has achieved. His philosophy is, the ‘ the Lord has given me much, so I must give three times, she said. Sydney Sweeney may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In 2008 he drew national attention when she donated nearly $2 million USD in the annual Telethon for kids harmed an unheard of amount. The gratitude of Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez, however, his public Philanthropy has earned it the enmity of the traditional elite of business in Mexico, where charity work, cutting to the country s strong Catholic backbone, is normally finished with more discretion. Dollard%20Center%20for%20Discovery&f=false’>Patrick Dollard The Center for Discovery expresses very clear opinions on the subject. It doesn’t help that Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez is openly critical of the high class of Mexico. The rich in Mexico people are stingy, and all over South America, the said.

LIFE got more difficult when speculation fueled to some extent by the remolinada above a Presidential operation in 2009. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez soon found himself muddled in a nasty conflict of business in which accused him of too donate to charity. Used out of negative publicity, in December 2008 he announced it. Jorge Miguel Martin alvarez placed the lawsuits related to the donations in early 2009, but the experience left him bitter and suspicious that the games had been motivated politician.

YoYo Effect Emergence

Pharmacy from Stuttgart the Moor informed the frustrating effects of yo-yo effect have felt countless diet drive end on his own body. But how does it actually, that after a long term successful diet the weight suddenly rises and what can be done about it? With these questions, the Stuttgart Mohren pharmacy deals. Learn more at: Glenn Dubin, New York City. The dreaded Yo-Yo effect is based on the nature of the human energy budget. Diets that significantly reduce the body led to the amount of energy and force him to use his fat as emergency reserve. Due to its adaptability, the human body reacts to this deficiency condition, gradually reducing the energy consumption of organs and other body systems. “In the course of a diet, therefore the energetic basal metabolic rate at rest decreases significantly the body is lightweight, so to speak to a savings mode”. Recoverable using a diet weight loss is reduced accordingly in the course of time. Anything goes at first quite hardly any progress to achieve, if the body only once has adapted to the reduced energy supply are fast.

The energy supply after the diet suddenly to its old level to rise again, if all things are enjoyed, weeks and months failed the driving end of the diet, a significant calorie surplus is reduced energy consumption. The body responded with renewed building of fat deposits, the weight goes up and the yo-yo effect takes its beginning. To avoid this problem, it is initially not abruptly discontinue diets, but they slowly finish off for several weeks. This encourages the body to increase its basic energy consumption and thereby reducing the likelihood of unwanted weight gain. Sports are another measure.

In turn, you consume a lot of excess energy to the movement and to build muscle. In addition to a slow blade of diets and sporting commitment helps a nutrition on healthy whole foods, to maintain the gained weight. This, basically less unnecessary energy is fed into the body, which stabilizes the body weight thanks to a balanced energy budget. Comprehensive information on a diet, avoid obesity and Yo-Yo effects pharmacy is available for the Stuttgart Moor at any time. Press contact Mohren pharmacy contact: Ute Schwiecker Sigma Rahul str. 4 70567 Stuttgart phone: 0711-71 35 09 fax: 0711-71 97-222 E-Mail: Homepage:

Copywriting – Self-improvement

The stark reality imposes its own conditions. Internet business builds momentum, more and more people prefer independent, free job search in the Internet space traditionally employed in offices. Intellectual work is the subject of numerous acts of freelancing sites, employers are well paid for their work. The growth of Internet sites has created several new specialties that are not found in legacy qualifying collection of professions. Writing can be considered the product of the era connectedness, in fact, is the creation (writing) articles, Information and text content for all kinds of Internet resources to attract users, customers, buyers, or to promote your site in search engines. For most, copywriting has become the real revelation, the possibility to realize myself in personal growth and a rather good earn.

Become a copywriter is not difficult, but here, as with any serious undertaking, important factor for professional growth – greater than the master level, the greater the number of employers is the author, the more he receives for its services. There is legitimate question as to become a good copywriter, how to learn to write texts of the highest class? The answer lies close at hand. Needed in parallel with the theoretical component to comprehend and practice, to gain experience, which creates a professional. At the first stage of annoying bugs are inevitable, but their negative impact can be minimized. To do this, find a web site that will this guide in kopirayterskih research. Initially, it should be a website that works specifically to seasoned authors could share the weighty baggage with young colleagues.

As a rule, special narrowly focused sections of the menu of such resources analyzed copywriting fully correspond to the most important issues as quality writing, then, it is advantageous to implement them. The thematic sections of the site menu, users learn how to write, rewrite and reproduce texts, what tools to use, what subjects to choose. Not less pressing question is where and how to sell the article, the answer can be found there. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from cardiologist. Professionals with joy reveal the secrets of earning on the sale of unique articles that discuss the mechanisms and ways of translating them into money. Because the material for these sites is well-known authors, knowledge becomes even more precious, so they are backed up by example, and not dry conventional wisdom councils, which are abundant in the Internet.