Changes Happen

How this is made? Keeping significant relationships. We estamosenvolvidos with people in diverse areas of our lives in house, the work, the church and the community. Emboranosso busy style of life makes with that sejadifcil to keep satisfactory relationships comalgum,> we can learn as manterrelacionamentos significant with the important people that Deuscolocou in our lives. When you and eupossumos something valuable, as one marries or legal car, us we take well-taken care of very with these things. In mesmocaminho, we need to take well-taken care of very with the pessoasespeciais that God placed in our lives. The truth is queelas is more valuable of what any another thing quens we could possess.

Mostrandos people we love who them has much to see with making with queelas feels that we truily value who elasso, that we worry in them about what they think and in comoelas they feel on the things. one of the best ways for comunicaristo is simply hearing they. You think on quanto important to have somebody nasua life that really listening when its coraoest broken and you needs encorajamento, to ouregozijar with you when wonderful you estexperimentando something and want to divide its joy. Euacredito that the people who God placed in our soos lives gifts more precious than It it gave in them. Therefore, we nsprecisamos to prevent the trend to be careful in nossosrelacionamentos. Modelode is easy to fall inside of one to only communicate superficially with the people and never realmenteprestando detailed attention for what they elaspensam and they feel.

If we are not careful, we can plan to make this with the people who estoprximas, as our spouses ecrianas. The changes happen when damosos first step, and if religious and yes not to believe and sera difference, exactly that for this he is only voc.acredito in the human beings with hearts voltadoem aid without wanting something in exchange compraconquista friend not if, a loved child and a happy adult, adultoarrogante was a child jettison and badly loved. it loves! life loves poisa passes and you die.