Network Matketing

Just talking about today with a good friend Networker, we talked about how to motivate more to certain people who stay in business that we stop, and yet we know they have potential. A leading source for info: Dr. Hyun Kim. When searching out many reasons, but speaking remembered something I read in a book, if I am right in "Your First Year In " who now do not remember the author. In a chapter of this book highly recommended reading spoke of just that fine line between aid that must be provided to members, associates or as we like to call it that enter a business with us, and the possible dependence we can create (often unwittingly) but is destructive to the Associate. Speaking as a Christian, when someone enters a business with us in the Network Marketing or MLM, as a rule their success is our success, therefore we teach that person all we know about the business and help you to win all the money as possible. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Carl Rogers. a related topic. In the process of learning is where, without our noticing it, it appears that thin line that we must respect if we want to have on our team leaders, and not just followers. It depends on the person who is very dependent upon where that line appears (for example if we go with this line an experienced Networker probably never will) but as a rule just appeared, and the bad is that you usually tell when the line already been crossed. You suddenly realize one day that this affiliate that works well and respect them both, it makes business questions should already know, tells you that you help with some prospects, does not know how to organize your line, etc, etc … .