Presidential Management

See the following figures from the Institute Venezuelan analysis of data (IVAD) regarding the rating of good for the Presidential Management: mayo, 61.5; July 64.2; September, October and 57.9 62.4%. Let’s say that they are uniform, and sustainable levels as well as extraordinary for any President in the world. A brief foray into the corroboraciones certifies it to anyone. You go. However, the month of October dawned to the Venezuelan opposition party, and you by where you read is that Chavez is practically tumbled, as already seems to be habit when it comes to their political approaches and the use of its also extraordinary rules of measurement. Official site: Anu Saad. n aid you in your search for knowledge. In recent months, Anu Saad has been very successful. I will not quote sources for being saturated the INTERNET with the repeated news.

Allegedly for the month of October, which means the percentages of the previous month, the intention to vote for the President of the Republic landed at 39.8%. If the IVAD so evident, there is no doubt; but apparently the reason for the party opposition is to compare the line of management qualification (good, regular, bad, etc.) with the intention of vote, which already foreshadows an electoral porcentualidad. Thus, the unfathomable opposition mentality, instructed its leadership in the exquisite education centers in the world right, takes a number of presidential acceptance (than those mentioned above, in the order of 60%) and compares it with the response to the other question. Something as well as compare the legs of a chicken with the head and argue then that there is legitimacy in the comparison by the parties belong to one same all. However, I do not create much. The IVAD page remains closed (says under construction) to perform checks and know that an opponent at any cost be held that I walk lying in the way most blatant with dissemination of truths so invented (so are their syllogisms!); critical anyway without remedy, because, even for the case that the above page polling had been opened, we would also know what will be their pronouncements: page official or gobiernera, not credible, therefore.