Shop On The Internet

Although not many know it yet, since a couple of years we do not even dress for shopping. Relaxed in an armchair, anyone with Internet access can acquire from a toaster to a late model car with just one mouse click. But now, in Argentina, shopping online is not only more convenient, but also cheaper. In order to promote their websites, many national companies chose to sell the same item at a cheaper price in the local network in their conventional. According to International Data Corporation in 1997 were invoiced in the country U.S.

$ 3.3 million online transactions. In 1999, the number climbed up to 48.7 million. Beyond the explosive growth of sales and special offers, many users still are held up against the idea of buying on the Web for fear that “someone” will steal the number of credit card and use it for any wrongful act . According to a study of the Argentina Chamber of Commerce Electronic (CACE), “a way of analyzing how serious the company is selling online is to see if the outlet has featured over traditional mail, for instance by special rates or unique offerings.” To attract customers Musimundo, Garbarino and Yenny are three of the top companies doing online. And not doing badly. “The project was founded in late 1998 with the purpose of opening an online channel taking advantage of the enormous advantages of the book to be a highly schedule independent and without customs restrictions,” said Germain Cufre responsible for the digital library page Yenny.