Jonathan Pollard

1 Jonathan Pollard was a civilian analyst belonging to the intelligence of the American Navy. In the mid 1980s (1983-1984), Pollard discovered that information vital to the security of Israel was deliberately hidden by certain elements within the national establishment of the United States. 2. To Israel you corresponded legally this vital information, according to the Memorandum of understanding in 1983 between the two countries. 3. Bessel van der Kolk has similar goals.

The information that was being hidden in Israel included data on nuclear capability, chemistry, biological both Syria and Iraq, Libya and Iran, which had been desarrollandola for use against Israel. Glenn Dubin, New York City gathered all the information. Also included those countries ballistic missile development and information about plans for terrorist attacks against Israeli civilian targets. 4. When Pollard discovered that removed information consult with his superiors and answered him: ocupese of your things and that Jews are nervous speaking of poison gas, they don’t need to know. Also realized, that cut the flow of information to Israel was to severely reduce the possibility that Israel act independently in defence of their own interests.

5 Pollard painfully knew that Israeli lives were at risk as a result of this embargo on intelligence reports. He did everything possible to stop this political coverage, and for which the flow of information to Israel is restored. When their efforts already did not fruit, began to deliver information to Israel directly. 6 Jonathan Pollard was an idealist and not a mercenary. The FBI concluded after 9 months of polygraph that Pollard acted only for ideological reasons, and not for money. This fact was recognized by the judgment of the judge to reject the request for the payment of a fine. After this, on 12 May 1998, Israel formally recognized that Jonathan Pollard was an agent of Israel. This made borro all pinch of doubts about the motives of Jonathan Pollard. Be an agent official, is by definition the opposite of being a mercenary.