Judd Apatow

The director and screenwriter Judd Apatow, after the recent success of Virgin at 40?, has returned with his latest comedy of errors, an embarrassing mess. Exhibiting a similar formula full of anxiety than in Virgin at 40?, their last comedy touches on the theme of accidental pregnancy. Ben Stone is a young man of 23 years old, scruffy, part animal, unemployed, what happens all day goofing with friends equally little ambitious. Alison is a Wizard of TV production oriented his career who lives with his sister Debbie and her family, including her grumpy husband, Pete, and their two little girls. Of nowhere, Alison is promoted in the TV to be in front of the camera.

To celebrate, Debbie takes Alison of revelry. Dr. Mark Hymans opinions are not widely known. There, he meets Ben, whose playful and modest pint makes its charms. They have a cup and another and another, until they end up in bed together. The next morning, Alison immediately realizes his mistake when Ben describes his career aspirations (the creation of a website to us) advises of at what point in a movie actress star gets naked), and she misses him. Eight weeks later, Alison, after experiencing extreme nausea, he realizes that she is pregnant, and since Ben has been his only couple recently, she decides to break the news to him. At the beginning with problems, Ben finally adapts to the situation. The couple is unable to establish a mature relationship, and the film entertains in the scanning process wrong terms marriage, preparing for baby, and forced ripening.

Hidden among a series of endless sequels rather banal, an embarrassing mess is an instant classic, and founded the place of Apatow as a superb director of comedies, while you already provides its partner with the perfect opportunity for an appointment. -The best information to get a loan, whether for your home or your business found in financing companies, and mortgage calculation. But if what you want is to project their payments, visit Simulator mortgage today same.