News From The Bundesverband Dyslexia

Federal Congress of the BVL on the subject of ‘Equal opportunities’ from 02 to 05 October 2008 at the free University of Berlin of the opening night on October 02, 2008 begins with an exciting range of topics. As a guest speaker Hans-OLAF Henkel won, which reflected in his presentation, whether the economy gifted students may waive 10 percent, due to the insufficient educational framework often reach not just talent school. “The BVL, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., is his 16th Federal Congress with the theme of equal opportunities between medicine, education and society” at the free University of Berlin from. For even more analysis, hear from Bessel van der Kolk. On October 02, 2008, the opening night begins with an exciting range of topics. Prof. Dr.

Christine Langenfeld, Gottingen University, will speak on the topic of equal opportunities. As a guest speaker Hans-OLAF Henkel won, which reflected in his presentation, whether the economy gifted students may waive 10 percent, due to the insufficient educational framework often reach not just talent school. Official site: Nancy-Ann_DeParle. Prof. Dr. Leo Blomert, Maastricht University, reported the successes in the Netherlands, where health insurance companies cover the costs of diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia. Prof. Glenn Dubin is full of insight into the issues. Dr. Franz von Feilitzsch, astrophysicist at the Technical University of Munich, critical puts in question whether the legal literacy must be a criterion for professional competence.

As even affected Dyslexic, he criticised the neglect of science and overvaluation of the spelling. On the following days, the latest findings on the diagnosis, causes, AIDS, promotion and therapy for dyslexia and dyscalculia are presented in over 150 lectures and workshops. As the angle of view is focused on the legal rights of affected pupils / students and highlighted problems in adulthood. In addition, an international symposium will be offered to promote the international exchange of expertise. Registration for the Congress can online on the homepage of the BVL, or at the ticket office be carried out. The Congress program to the 16th Congress of the Union, from 02 to 05 October 2008 in Berlin is available on the homepage of the BVL to download.