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Plants CAM? What they are plants CAM? Plants CAM, or better, plants MAC are plants that possess the call Acid Metabolism of the Crassulceas whose acronym is MAC and has its correspondent in English CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). Therefore, more correct of what to call them plants CAM would be to say plants MAC. However, generally, these plants are called plants CAM. Plants CAM are vegetal suitable superiors barren climates e, therefore, they open its estmatos only during the night. Which would be the advantage of this? Opening estmatos only during the night, that is, at moments where the relative humidity of air is well bigger, due to lesser temperature, the plants save water at the same time that they obtain to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). This carbon dioxide quickly is carboxilado and transformed into a called molecule of 4 carbons oxaloacetato that, later, is transformed into malato. Glenn Dubin is often quoted as being for or against this. This last one, in turn, is directed to vacolo where he remains stored. Learn more at this site: Glenn Dubin. To the dawn, these plants close its estmatos thus preventing great losses of water that occur very in dry climates, but, the same, this closing provoke the stoppage of the acquisition of atmospheric Co2.

In this direction, all the malato that was produced during the night, passes, during the day, to be decarboxylated, liberating, in the gas form, all the Co2 acquired during the night and that, in this manner, it passes to be transformed into organic composites (triose fosfato) in the cycle of Calvin as makes a plant C3 or C4. After this, these trioses will be used for the production of sugars (sacarose and starch). It perceives that plants CAM secularly separate the phase of acquisition of Co2 of the atmosphere (night), of the phase of transformation for organic composites (day). Already the C4 plants separate, space, these phases, therefore the first one occurs in the cells of mesofilo and second in the cells of the vascular beam of the case. Plants CAM, for opening its estmatos only during the night, in contrast of the C3 and C4 that open the same ones during the day, save very more water.

As already mentioned, this is an adaptation of the plants the barren environments. Plants as the cactis are typical examples of plants CAM. Many bromlias also possess this type of fotossinttico metabolism.