YoYo Effect Emergence

Pharmacy from Stuttgart the Moor informed the frustrating effects of yo-yo effect have felt countless diet drive end on his own body. But how does it actually, that after a long term successful diet the weight suddenly rises and what can be done about it? With these questions, the Stuttgart Mohren pharmacy deals. Learn more at: Glenn Dubin, New York City. The dreaded Yo-Yo effect is based on the nature of the human energy budget. Diets that significantly reduce the body led to the amount of energy and force him to use his fat as emergency reserve. Due to its adaptability, the human body reacts to this deficiency condition, gradually reducing the energy consumption of organs and other body systems. “In the course of a diet, therefore the energetic basal metabolic rate at rest decreases significantly the body is lightweight, so to speak to a savings mode”. Recoverable using a diet weight loss is reduced accordingly in the course of time. Anything goes at first quite hardly any progress to achieve, if the body only once has adapted to the reduced energy supply are fast.

The energy supply after the diet suddenly to its old level to rise again, if all things are enjoyed, weeks and months failed the driving end of the diet, a significant calorie surplus is reduced energy consumption. The body responded with renewed building of fat deposits, the weight goes up and the yo-yo effect takes its beginning. To avoid this problem, it is initially not abruptly discontinue diets, but they slowly finish off for several weeks. This encourages the body to increase its basic energy consumption and thereby reducing the likelihood of unwanted weight gain. Sports are another measure.

In turn, you consume a lot of excess energy to the movement and to build muscle. In addition to a slow blade of diets and sporting commitment helps a nutrition on healthy whole foods, to maintain the gained weight. This, basically less unnecessary energy is fed into the body, which stabilizes the body weight thanks to a balanced energy budget. Comprehensive information on a diet, avoid obesity and Yo-Yo effects pharmacy is available for the Stuttgart Moor at any time. Press contact Mohren pharmacy contact: Ute Schwiecker Sigma Rahul str. 4 70567 Stuttgart phone: 0711-71 35 09 fax: 0711-71 97-222 E-Mail: Homepage:

Nail Design

Nail design – the art to beautify the nails design fingernails referred to with the term nail design. It consists of the word nail”, which means nail, and he is a descendant of the epidermis, while the fingernail in different forms in primates can be found. Horn plates, producing the fingernails are formed at the root of the nail and the nail root is located at the base of the nail pocket. A related site: Dr. Mark Hyman mentions similar findings. The epithelium is the Eponychium, which lies on the nail plate nail Pocket dorsal and palmar lies on the nail as Hyponychium. The nail Board located under the Hyponychium and is tightly fused with the periosteum of the distal phalanx. The Hyponychium is in the nail root area to the matrix, which means it makes are to the substance of the nail plate and is recognizable as a lunula.

In the animal world, this is called claw, claws or hooves. The nails are side surrounded by a nail wall, which is a fold of skin and protects the nails. 100 to 150 irregular vertically stratified layers of horn cells are part of the the nails, which a baby 0.05 mm and up to 0.75 mm is strong in an adult. Follow others, such as Anu Saad, and add to your knowledge base. The visible skin part resting directly on the nail wall called in the jargon Perionyx or Perionychium. The term design”means as much as design or design. The design of the fingernail is known this nail design. It individual patterns, stamps, stickers or other can be made on it on the nails. Nail design and nail art can be used for natural as well as artificial fingernails.


Maintaining and promoting the physical and mental fitness in the spotlight are importance of vitamins and trace elements for health and fitness in the second half of life for many people. For this much is invested. Man jogs, goes to the gym or book a wellness weekend. But it is at least as important to pay attention to a healthy diet and to supply the body with micro-nutrients. As for the optimal physical and mental performance, our body needs daily many micronutrients from the Group of vitamins and trace elements. But is observed with increasing age increasingly that the supply of these micronutrients is no longer optimal.

As a result, The blood levels of the appropriate vitamins and trace elements are too low. Also in Germany, and not only among the old. The reduced supply of important micro-nutrients can negative impact on the physical and mental performance. The show always relevant Research on the example of the B-vitamins and now up-to-date in vitamin D. The interesting results of a European American Group of researchers on the importance of vitamin D for the mental performance of the age were published in a prestigious American magazine. For the first time the relationship between low blood levels of vitamin is made in this study clearly D and the intellectual capacity of older people. The annual decline in intellectual performance is greater, depending on the supply of people with vitamin D is bad.

This finding that a non-optimal vitamin deficiency can be one of the causes of senile dementia D is in clear text. This analogue also applies to other vitamins. Now the national consumption survey showed 2008 that wide sections of the population in Germany are not optimally provided with essential vitamins. This applies not only to elderly or socially disadvantaged. No, all levels and all age groups are more or less affected. It so makes sense to pay attention in the framework of anti aging efforts on the optimum intake of micronutrients such as vitamins and trace elements. So are vitamins including vitamin D, trace elements and mineral substances as MemoVitum require a good choice for people who operate an active anti aging and their mental fitness at the age. MemoVitum is based on a study for the prevention of dementia showed that the risk of dementia with a micro-nutrient mixture as in MemoVitum can be reduced significantly. The study showed another important result in addition. Taking this micro nutrient mixture, the immune system was also strengthened so that it came in the course of the year to fewer infections. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) is available in pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma. It is recommended by physicians for the prevention of age-related memory disorders and dementia. Cheap 3 month packs (PZN 0253876) and 6-month packs (PZN 5858064) MemoVitum will honor the meaningful longer-term application available. Because of the unique composition, these products should be replaced by the pharmacy not against other products even though they appear similar. Every pharmacy can purchase shipping MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company. Source: Llewellyn DJ et al. arch int Med; 170 (13) July 2010, Chandra RK; Nutrition 2001; 17(9):709-12 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web: