Play Therapy

The ludoterapia is the therapy carried through through playing. If you are not convinced, visit Dr. Mark J Berger. The children express its emotions, feelings through the tricks, therefore they do not obtain to express its internal contents through speak as the adults. – Playing for the child is the way most easy of if communicating and understanding what it is feeling and living deeply as: the fear, frustration, unreliability, shyness, anxiety, aggressiveness, confusion In this way, it facilitates so that it understands same itself and the others and thus helping, that it obtains to deal with its conflicts. – The main parents or the responsible ones also participate of this process of treatment of the child so that the psychologist gets information on the reason that took the family to look the support for the child in the first when also necessary interview and, of the information on as it is being the treatment process and to guide on the doubts of the parents. DEBORA ALFAMA DUARTE – PSYCHOLOGIST – 05/31112 CRP – RIO DE JANEIRO (CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, ADULTS).

The Following

And you need each day to do a little more. One person who won the marathon, told the following story: he started to run-by-step and day by day increased to a little bit. He used the principle of “kaizen”, and began to grow and become stronger each den.I in the end he won the marathon. I’ll tell you what is the reason why most people never become successful. 1. They do not have high standards within the (high demands on life.) But, even if they have high standards, that is reason number 2. – It’s beliefs. Or more simply – they do not believe they can achieve etogo.Poetomu implement principles of Kaizen or continuous improvement of living that will not ostanavlivatsya.Naprimer, if you say that you get thin for 20 kg of your brain says “this will not work”, as you can every day just a little do something for etogo.I one day you realize that you really lost by that amount.

We will be satisfied with their lives, only if it develops and rasti.I need to understand if we do not evolve, then sooner or later to find ourselves in the place where we would very much like byt.Bolshaya mistake many people, that they do not like to repeat, saying, “Oh, yes it’s all I know.” So you need to do what you know, to introduce a few times and continue to improve. Repetition and development – this is the path of kaizen. So let’s summarize this article: If you want to be successful and happy – that implement the principles of kaizen in their lives. Below is an algorithm implementing the principle of Kaizen. How to change the lives of step number 1. – Is to decide now – whether you will live with this philosophy or not.

Solve – this will help you get great results installing or not. If you have decided that, yes, let’s proceed. Step number 2. Kaizen – introduce this word in my life, to this was the trigger for the switch and the introduction of improvements in your life. Step 3.Now take 5 minutes – and write about those things that stop you, change your old standards with new ones. Step 4 – 30 days live with this philosophy. Step 5 – Write the 5 things that you can change in their lives in their five areas of life. And start to improve little by little every day and not stop.