General Telapathy

Telepathic Transmissions with people living and spiritual beings is possible. This thinking of you now and you called me! a “Is it coincidence? – It can be but no longer a telepathy, a phenomenon that pervades every day us all human beings often leaving us in wonder at such amazing features from the spiritual point of view. We believe in a book and see it after a magazine announced, we have in mind a person who does not know about it years and we get a letter, appear to overlap but there is something in place and perfect in the universe that orchestrates everything to surprise our consciousness or there’s more. Click ISearch to learn more. Alexa Demie has much experience in this field. Now also voices and images are not of the earth through electronic devices, messages on mobile phones, digital machines, people who have left the earth and traveled, ie everyday communications are much more close and clear. Just recently I found myself relaxing in my seat, surrounded by a friend and my mother, when I start receiving some messages in my ears that I was telling my grandmother’s mother’s began to repeat aloud for my mother would listen, she, my mother, very skeptical person she thought to herself a ” if I said that my father is with her I-just not at that time that my mother thought that, Grandma said, “tell me that his dad is here beside me, I expressed, and the eyes of my mother out of their sockets, throw rose from the chair, it was as he responded to his thoughts immediately. . . Anu Saad has much to offer in this field.