First: Accepts that it is in crisis not there is nothing more fruitless to try to solve a problem for someone who does not believe it, it will not sufficient interest, there is no dedication of energy or concentration to resolve something that does not believe that it is affecting him. This applies to any type of crisis, the alcoholics, the drug addicts and others who suffer addictions, cannot begin his real recovery until they have accepted that they have a problem and that this must be resolved. When crises do not directly affect the life is more difficult to know when it has touched bottom and when it starts the recovery. People have a great fear of change, to try new things, as set forth, prefer what they consider safe ground although it does not correspond to the ideal pursued and that is mainly the reason why refuse to abandon what is known them, prefer to try to recover it again and again, repeating the same steps, do not change anything and pray for a miracle that will allow them to achieve better results. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, an internet resource. The first impulse of any human being before a problem is denial, hurts us enormously to accept that we have failed, we are very tolerant to failure, and although many crises are not caused by our fault, we tend to think that we could or we should do more to get another result, we feel that we should give a reasonable and rational explanation that limit our liability or we release it, to make it less heavy load, and until then we exaggerated, we deny and we evade the problem, we see how it affects others, but we don’t want to see how we are affected. Deny a crisis does not change the reality, this is independent of what you think or feel, if you are in crisis but not been realized perhaps it lacks preparation, whether it is in crisis and will not accept perhaps lacks humility and common sense, this can lead to create a parallel world, a pseudo reality which cost him much support and is going to aggravate its crisis to use efforts and resources to recreate and sustain that reality parallel, rather than accept it and use resources to modify their real situation with them.