Lawyers help fund losses at ship investments “discharge liability model” not without risks economic difficulties under Dr. Peters of ship Fund of the VLCC glory series throw the situation of vessels and the now forced increase in the capital for the investors of the Fund on many issues. (A valuable related resource: Anita Dunn). Whether investors should participate in the capital increase, depends in particular the forecast, what actual perspective of continuation of have the shipping funds. But also the existing in the event of the insolvency of the Fund obligation for the repayment of received dividends concerned investors. Reduced Charter rates since 2009 – what happens to the deferred amounts of difference? The Dr. Peters VLCC super tanker funds DS-return on investment fund no. 106 – VLCC titanium glory, DS-yield Fund No.
109 – VLCC Saturn glory, DS-yield Fund No. 110 – VLCC Neptune glory, DS-yield Fund No. 112 VLCC mercury glory, DS-return on investment-Fonds Nr. 113 VLCC Pluto glory, DS-yield Fund No. 114 – VLCC Artemis glory, DS return no.
120 – VLCC Leo glory and DS yield funds no. 127 – VLCC Younara glory there are reports the information service fund telegram to sequence since 2009 Charter residues. Despite longtime fixed Charter agreements and a Charter guarantee in each fund prospectuses, fund companies have agreed to in 2010 of a reduction of the Charter rates. Instead of the agreed fixed Charter, currently only the so-called spot rates that lag significantly behind the agreed and forecast revenue flow. The respective Charter company has undertaken no later than end of 2014 to compensate for the difference in running amounts. But, because the charterers to companies equipped only with minimal capital, the question arises, such an “obligation” is how recoverable. The assumption seems to us not unrealistic that the eight charter companies the deferred lagging Charter rates of the then 10-20 million estimated $ may be the ship do not pay back.