It has one hundred years more than behind, the great journalist Joseph Pulitzer apaixonadamente defended the idea of that a journalism school would have to exist to form good professionals in an area that very assumes an important role for the society: of formador of opinion. But, such which currently, many did not see the necessity of a specialization in journalism. By the same author: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. was as soon as appeared the book ' ' The School of Journalism: the opinion pblica' ' , as reply to critical and the investigations to its proposal of implantation of a school of journalism in the University of Columbia. It was the year of 1904, beginning of century XX. The socialism appeared as a shy trend in the Europe; the capitalism if firmed as great economic force and the people if they would astonish; few years later, with experiences of sonorous radiotransmisso. U.S.A., to each year, had a corresponding invasion of immigrants to the population of the New Zelndia of the time. Glenn Dubin, New York City shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The entire world was in full development, advancing, implanting, reformulating themselves, progressing. Attending these great modifications in the society, Pulitzer perceived that the journalism could not leave to follow this trend.
It was necessary to break the paradigm of that the journalists ' ' they are born feitos' ' , without necessity of any qualification. She was necessary to reformulate itself, to supply new enabled professionals to act professionally; instead of releasing them in a writing so that they learned alone, to the errors and rightnesss, the cost of the quality of the information and the patience of the publishers of periodicals. Although great names can be cited as people who had not needed instruction, as John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spencer and the proper Pulitzer, this did not mean, according to it, that a school was unnecessary that taught to the novices the indispensable subterfuges, characteristics, and knowledge to its profession. .