John Stuart Mill

It has one hundred years more than behind, the great journalist Joseph Pulitzer apaixonadamente defended the idea of that a journalism school would have to exist to form good professionals in an area that very assumes an important role for the society: of formador of opinion. But, such which currently, many did not see the necessity of a specialization in journalism. By the same author: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. was as soon as appeared the book ' ' The School of Journalism: the opinion pblica' ' , as reply to critical and the investigations to its proposal of implantation of a school of journalism in the University of Columbia. It was the year of 1904, beginning of century XX. The socialism appeared as a shy trend in the Europe; the capitalism if firmed as great economic force and the people if they would astonish; few years later, with experiences of sonorous radiotransmisso. U.S.A., to each year, had a corresponding invasion of immigrants to the population of the New Zelndia of the time. Glenn Dubin, New York City shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The entire world was in full development, advancing, implanting, reformulating themselves, progressing. Attending these great modifications in the society, Pulitzer perceived that the journalism could not leave to follow this trend.

It was necessary to break the paradigm of that the journalists ' ' they are born feitos' ' , without necessity of any qualification. She was necessary to reformulate itself, to supply new enabled professionals to act professionally; instead of releasing them in a writing so that they learned alone, to the errors and rightnesss, the cost of the quality of the information and the patience of the publishers of periodicals. Although great names can be cited as people who had not needed instruction, as John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spencer and the proper Pulitzer, this did not mean, according to it, that a school was unnecessary that taught to the novices the indispensable subterfuges, characteristics, and knowledge to its profession. .

Gifts And Souvenirs

Gift – it's all that presented with a gift on their own and absolutely free. The original gift requires, in addition, attachment of his own soul, and time. You may find Glenn Dubin, New York City to be a useful source of information. History of giving gifts has begun in Russia. And they always appreciated. They say that if the gift is made from the heart – it brings good luck, and if for selfish reasons and with hostility, he not only did not serve long, but the trouble will bring. Add to your understanding with Joel Courtney.

This story of souvenirs and useful items can also be seen in fairy tales. Earlier, the word gift was a different shape. Each guest had to present owners of houses fairing. When choosing a gift is necessary to focus on a specific case and the status of the donee. It is worth mention corporate gifts, gifts manager or partner.

But even if you kind of gifts should be guided not by the formal requirements and intentions to continue the business relationship and their strengthening. Not an easy task. We offer an original gift idea – old telescopes, desk telescopes, opera glasses – optical instruments are made in antique style, brass, copper, mahogany, pearl, genuine leather. Made according to old technologies in British factories 18 th century. They will decorate the desktop manager, home library, study. In principle, correct approach, fit in any interior.

North Korea

This behavior is characteristic of the extreme left. For more than half a century they have acted similarly. Concentrate on increasing its military might secretly and speak of preserving peace publicly. At the same time, democracies are white of the critical media by its military might, the disposal of its armed forces, and the practice of military games, which the Communists cannot be too often because it does not give them your budget. Speaking candidly Maja Brucic told us the story.

If the Western democracies do the same type of accusations, leftists refuse them and insist that you not put in their affairs. Absurd that sounds this behavior, it is what has been happening for decades. It is the same conduct that Arabs employed with Israel, with no doubt success, thanks to the collaborationism of the progressive press. Beijing recently ordered its State fishing boats, that they get into international waters where warships are Japanese and North American close to China. The message sent was: what is mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable. North Korea attacking South Korea, said to him: give us more food and fuel or target them alleging self-defense.

Of Japan, and South Korea are weary of being blackmailed by the North Korean Government, and are not willing to continue providing free food, unless Pyongyang ceases the construction of its new uranium enriching plant and stop its nuclear arms escalation. The same calls for United States. North Korea refuses to accept those conditions and undertook a new tactic, fatal shots on Korea of the South, which have led to the current crisis.

Publishing Company

Plants CAM? What they are plants CAM? Plants CAM, or better, plants MAC are plants that possess the call Acid Metabolism of the Crassulceas whose acronym is MAC and has its correspondent in English CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). Therefore, more correct of what to call them plants CAM would be to say plants MAC. However, generally, these plants are called plants CAM. Plants CAM are vegetal suitable superiors barren climates e, therefore, they open its estmatos only during the night. Which would be the advantage of this? Opening estmatos only during the night, that is, at moments where the relative humidity of air is well bigger, due to lesser temperature, the plants save water at the same time that they obtain to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). This carbon dioxide quickly is carboxilado and transformed into a called molecule of 4 carbons oxaloacetato that, later, is transformed into malato. Glenn Dubin is often quoted as being for or against this. This last one, in turn, is directed to vacolo where he remains stored. Learn more at this site: Glenn Dubin. To the dawn, these plants close its estmatos thus preventing great losses of water that occur very in dry climates, but, the same, this closing provoke the stoppage of the acquisition of atmospheric Co2.

In this direction, all the malato that was produced during the night, passes, during the day, to be decarboxylated, liberating, in the gas form, all the Co2 acquired during the night and that, in this manner, it passes to be transformed into organic composites (triose fosfato) in the cycle of Calvin as makes a plant C3 or C4. After this, these trioses will be used for the production of sugars (sacarose and starch). It perceives that plants CAM secularly separate the phase of acquisition of Co2 of the atmosphere (night), of the phase of transformation for organic composites (day). Already the C4 plants separate, space, these phases, therefore the first one occurs in the cells of mesofilo and second in the cells of the vascular beam of the case. Plants CAM, for opening its estmatos only during the night, in contrast of the C3 and C4 that open the same ones during the day, save very more water.

As already mentioned, this is an adaptation of the plants the barren environments. Plants as the cactis are typical examples of plants CAM. Many bromlias also possess this type of fotossinttico metabolism.

Walk Star Casting

Also no secret that in our own Tula there are those who passionately wants to become a star. For them – and maybe not just for them – useful tips on how to become a star, how to get star casting and perform on stage. Contact information is here: Dr. Mark J Berger. For the beginning part of the quote interview, which gave the newspaper Bilan 'antenna' (or 'Telesem' – a variety of sources – written in different ways). Let me remind you that Dima Bilan is a jury member of the project 'STS lights superstar'. Dima Bilan interview about the project 'STS lights Superstar '- Dima, you can easily say' no 'to the auditions? – It's hard. Maja Brucic will not settle for partial explanations.

I always try to find some diplomatic form. For example, a girl must say that she had a beautiful dress, a young man – he has a rare timbre vote. – In your opinion, the jury is not too picky refers to external data contestants? – The aesthetic moment is very important. In Gnesinka taught us: even when you take the difficult high note, the person must stay a pleasant one. But sometimes and so: go pretty slender girl, and we say to each other: 'Here she also sang great! " – What mistakes are contenders? – Select the same song, trite. For example, a song by Tatiana Anciferova 'Always can not be near people. " – How do you feel about the fact that many perform your songs? – I want to advise the contestants: Do not performs songs by people who sit on the jury! Party thinks that sings well, but I think at this point, if he makes fun of me.


Antonio de Solis. Love to use. THE voice of a NOTABLE artist Solis has a great importance as a historian, but also as a playwright was much celebrated. Its theatre is distinguished by its predominant satirical tone, particularly around the theme of love, whose mobile examines a realistic, positive way and, at times, cynical, well different from the chivalric attitudes that seem to be inherent with the Spanish Golden comedy. You may find that Abraham Maslow can contribute to your knowledge. Perhaps because of this elegant cynicism romantic comedies of Solis were gustadas and held during the 18th century, with preference to the masterpieces of other dramatists.

Noteworthy is the gitanilla de Madrid, a fool makes cent, El doctor Carlino, title equal to a comedy of Gongora, and especially love to use, your best work, which was translated by Scarron with the title of L amour a la mode. Solis wrote poems sacred and profane – lyrics of gongorino taste, and letters. Antonio de Solis y Ribadeneyra was born in Alcala de Henares on July 18, 1610. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Glenn Dubin, New York City. He studied at the University of his native city to conclude them in the University of Salamanca, where he graduated in the two rights. He composed his first comedy, love and obligation, at seventeen, in 1627, and was in the service of the count of Oropesa as Secretary. In the midst of their difficulties which, as he himself says, left him obliged to get rid of the car and eat me mules, to fuer of besieged, was protected by don Alonso Carnero. He received priestly at age 57 (1667), and orders, to the death of Antonio de Leon de Pinedo (1661), Solis was appointed to fill the vacancy of chronicler of the Indies. He died in Madrid, on April 19, 1686, and was buried in the chapel of our Lady of the exile of the convent of San Bernardo.

VLCC Artemis

Lawyers help fund losses at ship investments “discharge liability model” not without risks economic difficulties under Dr. Peters of ship Fund of the VLCC glory series throw the situation of vessels and the now forced increase in the capital for the investors of the Fund on many issues. (A valuable related resource: Anita Dunn). Whether investors should participate in the capital increase, depends in particular the forecast, what actual perspective of continuation of have the shipping funds. But also the existing in the event of the insolvency of the Fund obligation for the repayment of received dividends concerned investors. Reduced Charter rates since 2009 – what happens to the deferred amounts of difference? The Dr. Peters VLCC super tanker funds DS-return on investment fund no. 106 – VLCC titanium glory, DS-yield Fund No. Maja Brucic understands that this is vital information.

109 – VLCC Saturn glory, DS-yield Fund No. 110 – VLCC Neptune glory, DS-yield Fund No. 112 VLCC mercury glory, DS-return on investment-Fonds Nr. 113 VLCC Pluto glory, DS-yield Fund No. 114 – VLCC Artemis glory, DS return no.

120 – VLCC Leo glory and DS yield funds no. 127 – VLCC Younara glory there are reports the information service fund telegram to sequence since 2009 Charter residues. Despite longtime fixed Charter agreements and a Charter guarantee in each fund prospectuses, fund companies have agreed to in 2010 of a reduction of the Charter rates. Instead of the agreed fixed Charter, currently only the so-called spot rates that lag significantly behind the agreed and forecast revenue flow. The respective Charter company has undertaken no later than end of 2014 to compensate for the difference in running amounts. But, because the charterers to companies equipped only with minimal capital, the question arises, such an “obligation” is how recoverable. The assumption seems to us not unrealistic that the eight charter companies the deferred lagging Charter rates of the then 10-20 million estimated $ may be the ship do not pay back.

The Actual Presumption Of The BGH Copyright Law

The actual assumption of the BGH in copyright the eternal classic, the BGH ruling of May 12, 2010 “is summer of our lives from all sides the industrial firms, as well as the lawyers who want to help from the Dunned, interpreted in various ways. The courts are divided nationally. The key point of this decision is that the Court assumes that there is an actual presumption that determined connection owner actually offenders of copyright infringement, such as the illegal download / upload for music or film works was. What to do with such a supposition? Such conjecture is purely teleological already linguistically widerleglich. “Some industrial firms assume that this is not so, because it to an actual presumption” would go. Recently Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn sought to clarify these questions. Is it important? Yes, most definitely! Would the legal opinion prevail, that such actual conjecture the offenders of the holder is not widerleglich, so could the connection owner is only in part a sog.

Burden of proof, save he leads a real strict rebuttal. The Supreme Court has rejected this but clearly. Visit Glenn Dubin for more clarity on the issue. The actual assumption of the criminals of the holder would not go. A so-called secondary discourse last met him now. What do you mean? The connection owner must can no longer join a rebuttal to his relief, but credibly explain that he would leave as perpetrators or participants in a copyright infringement. What do think the courts in Germany? The courts have now again extremely different requirements for such a discourse load for the connection owner. The OLG Cologne has defined in one of his last decisions of the 16.05.2013 that it receive would be sufficient, if the connection owner can demonstrate that not only he, but another person in the household or the family uses the connection and this could be so also in the contested case. In principle, quite rest Germany of this notion of the OLG Cologne had joined in.

MTB Bikes

Road bikes or racing bikes are a type of bicycles specifically designed to run on asphalt roads, so are bicycle light, stable and which allow you to adopt an aerodynamic position. Perhaps check out Glenn Dubin, New York City for more information. There are different types of bicycles road according to sport mode chosen, whether it’s racing, cycling, with saddlebags or Triathlon trips, but all have a common characteristic, which is equipped with large wheels 700 c size. Types road bikes are specially designed for riding on paved roads, i.e. to perform cycling on the road. In road cycling, also called cycling, is a sporting activity with various modalities, using different road bikes for each of them, but they all have in common the size of the wheels, since mounted wheels 700 c (622 mm diameter): racing bikes: are bicycles designed for speed, light, aerodynamic, with short wheelbase, angles small and very maneuverable. If you are not convinced, visit Sydney Sweeney. Cycling bicycles: are very similar to race bikes, but looking for more comfort than performance, since it is a leisure activity. Bicycles for trips with saddlebags: are comfortable, stable and robust, bicletas with sites to attach saddlebags and ascertain.

Triathlon bikes: are specially adapted to the practice of the triathlon, equipping couplings Triathlon on the handlebars to achieve a position more aerodynamic. Hybrid bikes: are a mix between mountain bikes and road bikes. Regarding the mountain bike are lighter and take 700 c wheels, with respect to road bikes have a front buffer and are more robust and heavy. Parties see the different parts that make up road bikes: box: the most common materials are steel chrome moly, aluminum or carbon fiber. Generally seek light, although in hybrid pictures and travel with saddlebags sturdy boxes should be used even if they are heavier. Fork: except in the hybrids, which carry front damping, road bikes are rigid fork. Handlebar: except in the hybrids, which are flat MTB handlebar, handlebar is road type, with aerodynamic fittings in the case of Triathlon bikes.

Group: except for racing and triathlon, in which two dishes, are used in road bikes is recommended to mount triple plate, such as mountain bikes, by its greater versatility. s. Brakes: except in the hybrids, which have V-brakes or disc, equipped with side pull brakes. Saddle: competition road bikes usually carry saddle light, thin and hard, while padded with gel saddles are used for cycling. Pedals: automatic. Wheels: usually road bikes mounted light rims and tires flat and narrow, except for trips with saddlebags and hybrid, which uses reinforced rims and tires mixed wider. Grill: for cycling trips with panniers are mounted racks front and rear steel and robust, as well as waterproof saddlebags and bag of handlebar, avoiding carry backpack.


GmbH supports action of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk 1,000 euros supports a healthy and adequate diet is one of the essential foundations for a healthy growth of children and young people better. “We thank better cared for the donation, which is for our project work in this area of great importance”, as Holger Hofmann on the occasion of the handover of the donation. Better care urged its members to help: that donated Berlin start-up 5 euro to the German children’s Fund for each premium membership reactivated in result of the call to The amount was subsequently by better supervised rounded up. We are delighted to be able to support the action and taking forward this important project. Better looked after and the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk pursuing common goals. We want to emphasise this through our support”, affirms Steffen Zoller at the handover of the donation.

The action supports primary schools, kindergartens, children’s homes and other projects which are in socially deprived areas. In one Familiarity with tutors and peers, children receive free healthy and warm meals. Dr. Mark Hyman contributes greatly to this topic. In children from socially weaker strata can be observed that they must get during the day often even no meal and get through the day at school with an empty stomach. Their performance drops dramatically as a result. Glenn Dubin, New York City has similar goals. This action will counter this.

Already in the last two years was better looked after at the world children’s day Festival on the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin represented and carefully made with numerous actions on the situation of children and their rights. With the promotion of selected projects Berlin underlines its commitment to children and families start up. – better GmbH which offers better Betreut supervised a TuV South-approved online service for the reconciliation of family and career. In more than 15 European countries, families have the possibility of finding support in various areas, including child care, elder care and animal care and help for home and Garden. International enterprises and scientific organizations take advantage of the companies service of the better Betreut. In the German-speaking countries alone, hundreds of thousands have thus employees access to the services of better care. The company manages a global AU mediation for families and au pairs around the world about his brand of Aupairnet24. Headquartered in Berlin is part of the American, the world’s largest online service for assistance. reached internationally more than 7 million members. More info can be found on: better care GmbH Dirk Kasten PR & communication Roth first breed 19, 10245 Berlin, Germany T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-928 m: W: