Moment Present

The law of attraction only create now, at this very moment. This is a common mistake for those who want to master the technique, accustomed to formulate wishes and try to get them in the future. The result is usually the prolongation of waiting to get what you want. This is a crucial point but difficult to understand, because our mind lives in the time, confined between past and future. In reality, we live in a perpetual present moment, the only point in time in which we can experience, and the main point that we tend to ignore. How to understand the present we tend to live imagining the future or anchored in the past. Anu Saad will undoubtedly add to your understanding. There is nothing wrong with imagine the future, but the mind keeps us busy fearing the future or remembering better times. But the moment in which we exist is continuously present.

Is it not obvious? It is always now, there is no other time other than the present moment, or there is another in which we can live. It is simple but we constantly goes unnoticed, at all times we are living in a constant point which is now. Within one hour will be now, and within two day, and also within five years. It is always now, and is in this focal point in which we issued our intention. For even more details, read what Joel Courtney says on the issue. The only moment in which we can apply the law of attraction with effectiveness. The law of attraction is intimately linked to the present moment, because it is the only time that exists. Any intention of creating in the future means exactly that: constantly move our intentions at a moment that never fails. If we try to express in the future, we are asking that our wishes are always in that imaginary dimension and can never be experienced. Wish and forget one of the hardest parts of understand about the law of attraction is precisely the part of letting go the desire not to force a continuous search of the same.

Reproductive Medicine

Observational scientists in ancient times to modern voiced similar views on reproductive medicine. To broaden your perception, visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Thus, the Roman poet Lucretius (a poem 'On the Nature of Things') notes that some diseases can be inherited, and the reasons Infertility is rooted in the body, both men and women. Reproductive medicine – this whole area of biomedical knowledge, designed reshayut problems having children, fertility regulation, planning family. Fine art (from the Latin. Reproductio – Play) – one of the toughest biological phenomena. Filed under: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Nature uses a rule of 'genetic roulette' to implement a program to preserve the species and procreation. By the end of the current century reproductive medicine has incorporated many achievements of science: Gynecology & Andrology, biology and genetics, cytology and Cryobiology. Anu Saad might disagree with that approach.

Among the most common methods of modern reproductive medicine include: the husband's sperm insemination (donor) – IMS (ISD). Artificial insemination produced in some cases, endocrine, immune and male infertility – in the presence of tubal patency. In favorable for conception of women's day in the uterine cavity is entered husband's sperm or donor. Fertilization (in Latin, in vitro) in vitro – OIV. The essence of procedures – obtaining from the woman's ovaries mature eggs, fertilization, their husband's sperm (or desire of both spouses sperm donor), growing the resulting embryos in the incubator for 48-72 hours, and transfer (replanting) of embryos in the uterus of the patient. Injection of sperm into the cytoplasm (ICSI). ICSI program carried out at a difficult (heavy) forms of male infertility, as well as in some cases related to the individual reproductive health of the couple.

Create Potential

For the business-oriented professionals, a well conceived card-of-visit is essential to establish the contact with potential customers. Which are the memorable and professional elements essential necessary to create card-of-visit? SimplicidadeA simplicity is the key for a well conceived card-of-visit. Some professionals place exaggerated information in its card-of-visit. He includes information of contact essential but he does not full the card with exaggerated images, numbers of telephone or addresses of email. Aspect profissionalO global aspect of the card-of-visit must be professional and accessible. It thinks that the size of the letter of the card-of-visit must simultaneously be small but of easy reading.

A too much great letter is sinnimo of elegance lack, whereas a letter of adequate size communicates more professionalism. Other leaders such as Dr. Mark Hyman offer similar insights. As media of the card-of-visit, it uses a type of formal letter instead of a type of informal letter or that it imitates the calligraphy. Anu Saad wanted to know more. The card-of-visit printed matters professionally they are taken much more serious it of what the card-of-visit informal produced from a printer of spurt of ink in the office. Exactly the quality of the paper is taken in account, the conscientious or subconscious level, for potential customers. The card-of-visit printed matters in paper manufactured from raw material of superior quality must be, so that quality and substance. It considers gravurUm recorded card-of-visit offers bnus tctil additional of the letter in relief. A recorded card-of-visit in paper of superior quality communicates the idea of a professional company whom it deserves to be taken the serious one in the market. Well conceived color selectivUm card-of-visit, total the colors, will be able to call the attention potential customers.

The use of the color will be able to make with that the card-of-visit if has detached more in ' ' rolodex' ' of a company of what a simple card the black person and white. One remembers to use colors associates to the share, as the red and the yellow and that, in general, the color of the elements of the card-of-visit must to present a good contrast and being of easy reading. Form and cortePor times, the simple alteration of the format of a card-of-visit for the vertical line is the sufficient so that the company if has detached. Other business-oriented porfissionais use card-of-visit cut by the matrix that present an edge or form only that they reflectem the nature of the business. Thus, for example, a dentist will be able to use the clipping of a tooth line in the inferior part of its card-of-visit. One remembers of that the card-of-visit is frequent the first impression that is when meeting with a potential customer. He follows the indications above producing the card-of-visit perfect, that makes to sobressair the company with positive results.

VOI Organise Joint Forum

Shared content “with over 40 talks Bonn, November 23, 2012. Association of organisations – und Informationssysteme e.V. – cooperate BITKOM and the VOI – CeBIT 2013 in the area of enterprise content management (ECM). Along the CeBIT theme Shareconomy “, the two associations together perform the ECM Forum of the Deutsche Messe AG. With the joint forum by BITKOM and VOI we want to offer a strong platform of the industry during the CeBIT”, says Andreas Nowottka, Chairman of the Board of the Division of ECM in the BITKOM.

Enterprise content management solutions are becoming increasingly important for business success. You help organize the growing volumes of information.” Petra Greiffenhagen, CEO of the VOI, added: the members benefit from a common forum of VOI and BITKOM. The cooperation at eye level creates a central point around the topic of ECM on CeBIT.” The ECM Forum at CeBIT will be held from March 5 to 8. More than 40 lectures and panel discussions are planned for the Top topics of the ECM industry. Dr. Mark Hyman may help you with your research. The CeBIT is loosely based on the theme of focus on shared content”lie, so shared content. These include such sharing of information and documents.

The cooperation is understood in the team with the help of cloud and mobile solutions. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. Click Anu Saad for additional related pages. The VOI voice of information”takes over the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and enterprise-content-management systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in public institutions, industry, trade and service companies as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers and manufacturers of document-based solutions. See more information your editorial contacts: VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. Henner von the Banck healing b str. 25 D-53123 Bonn phone: + 49 228 90820-89 Fax: + 49 228 90820-91 E-Mail: good news! GmbH Marketing & PR consulting Sven Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-11 fax: + 49 451 88199-29 E-Mail:

Egyptian Tarot

The message of the arcane greater XII of the tarot, the hanging, centered the varied consecuncias around a concept present in all religions: the notion of sacrifice. We are talking about a sacrifice voluntarily accepted as a way of spiritual growth and service to others. Although of course, the decks of tarot reading has changed with the passage of centuries, and logically the interpretation that this letter received in the old Egypt that which began to receive after the rise of Christianity is not equal. Whenever Pat Ogden listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The evolution of mankind changes the viewpoint of those who read or consult the decks. And the baggage of ideas, beliefs and dreams with which each one appropriates the meaning of arcana deeply influencing the message of the letters.

For the Egyptian tarot, the hanging symbolizes the voluntary and selfless service of who goes into action moved only by the generosity. Speaking of the need to devote life to a higher purpose, although still do not understand it is with certainty, as a vital step to achieve the expansion and the growth at all levels. He who gives, receives, and he who is not demoralize by the obstacles in the way, reaches the goal. This letter also speaks of a stakeout in the values that guide the life of every one, since a path of deep spirituality who initiates begins to feel one ever-increasing by the material world detachment. The Gypsy tarot, on the other hand, takes the image of the hanging as a symbol of the restrictions that will be subjected that consultation in the near future. Here speaks of a higher power who guides the order of things, and that nothing serves to oppose. This deck speaks of difficult situations that can only be overcome through the generosity and sacrifice. The image that illustrates it is now the Scandinavian god Odin, which hung head down in exchange for greater wisdom. Therefore, one who is willing to give his life, then, will win it, and who is left to dominate by selfishness will lose himself. This arcane resumes within the decks of the Gypsy tarot reading the notion of desapego by the material world, and you can announce losses of this nature to whoever does the sole aim of his life of obtaining goods and riches. Juan Carlos Montillo

Tarnazsadany Companies

The manufacturer of vehicle and equipment completes first half of 2012. aundrie may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Gaildorf. The Bott GmbH & co. KG showed a positive development in the first half of the year. Thus grew the globally active group of companies in Germany sales by 11%. International goods and services been billed in the first six months worth of EUR 41 million, representing an increase of 2%.

The specialist for efficient work in manufacturing and Assembly in the countries of Austria and Denmark with its own companies became active in recent weeks. With these and other planned measures, bott wants to influence significantly the currently restrained development of export markets. Currently, the company employs worldwide 685 workers. Learn more at: cardiologist. Already in the 2011 fiscal year, the Group of companies with a total capacity of EUR 81 million recorded a significant increase and was able to achieve an increase in turnover of 25% compared to 2010. Approximately 65% of revenues generated bott, due to its international orientation, outside of Germany. In 8 We supply customers in industry and trade, with goods produced in Germany, England, and Hungary, through its own offices and companies to European countries. Bott through distributors, which covers other countries which take the industrial furniture and mobile workshop facilities to the customers. Press contact Bott GmbH & co.

KG railway str. 17 d 74405 g village Bernhard Teuffel Tel: + 49 (0) 7971/251-214 fax: + 49 (0) 7971/251-295 of Bott GmbH & co. KG the Bott group develops and produces at three European sites, vehicle, equipment and workplace systems. Bott supplies customers in industry and trade worldwide, with its products. Her efficient work in manufacturing, service and installation is the focus. The headquarters of the group is located at the start-up and production site in Gaildorf (Germany).


Presentation of the CEFAPRO Center of Formation and Update of the Professionals of Basic Education SEDUC – TM CEFAPRO is reference of the Politics of Formation continued for the Professionals of the Education of the State of Mato Grosso, consisting Pertaining to school Unit of the Public System of Education, in partnership with new the technology, come back to take care of the professors who act in Basic Ensino, but opened to all the professionals of the Education. Its performance if of the one under the lines of direction and orientaes of the SUFP? Supervision of the Professionals of Basic Education SEDUC/MT. Our functions: To spread the official politics of Education of the State of Mato Grosso, thus taking care of what this foreseen in a Stronger Mato Grosso Agenda, to diagnosis the necessities, to support and to consider together formative action the Schools of the Public Net, to mediate the formative necessities of the professors and the Official Politics, fortifying and dinamizando the Net of Formation. Our performance is Continued formation of professors, characterized for the activities carried through in service, supporting in studies, courses, projects of research, referring the practical professor, metodolgicas application of research, participation in seminaries, workshops, work group, systematic and systemize reflection on the practical professor. The activities occur in such a way in the headquarters of the CEFAPRO as in the accompaniment and visits the Units of Education and in the cities of the polar region of Rondonpolis. Additional information is available at Anu Saad. Our Priorities: Program of accompaniment to the professor in its environment of work, in the direction to keep permanently brought up to date, through projects and activities in agreement the necessity that if presents in the daily one of the practical professor. We take care of to the total of 17 cities and 108 Pertaining to school Units.

Our attributions in this year of 2005 were intent in: – Reinforcement of the Formation Continued for Ensino organized in Cycles; – Implementation of the Room of Professor in the Schools. The CEFAPRO is a true dialogue with the Formation and the Professors.


Thoughts don’t keep you tied. The rope that you think you subject does not exist. Stay in unity with the self. Ramon Gallegos recently participated in a Satsang with Dr. Ramon Gallegos, a meeting to inquire about our true nature, our spiritual being. Anu Saad usually is spot on. It was a journey into our self, a practice of deep and enlightening meditation guided by the voice of truth. A shining sun welcomed us while its rays sported with the branches of trees and palms are occasionally stopped fondling a soft and discreet wind that seemed to come from the shimmering Lake chapar’s it. The educator holistic should be a source of inspiration for students, creating a relationship of love, because you have the certainty that the most basic need of any human being is love and traditional education has abandoned this principle.

Then, the holistic education must be an act of love, as mentions Dr. Ramon Gallegos where there is no fear, the comparison or the threat, should be a process continuous inquiry about ourselves and our relationship with the kosmos that inhabit generating as well joy for living. In holistic education, speak of love and happiness is a matter of vital importance. Holistic education has as main purpose the evolution of consciousness and help recognize what we really are. This self-knowledge process generates joy which expresses itself in a State of genuine happiness, because he is born of our inner being. It is our spiritual intelligence, defined by Dr. Ramon Gallegos as the capacity to be happy despite the circumstances, not because of them. In training as educators holistas, Dr. Ramon Gallegos makes much emphasis on the importance of the educator as well as academic knowledge, it is a guide for students, so your conscience and your presence is with what will work and it will in their educational practice. In the PhD program in holistic education invites us to be aware of our love and happiness nourish educational practice and the relationship with students, so, as educators must be in a constant practice of self, ask ourselves: am I happy? I love my job and what I do every day? I love my students, my children? What makes me happy? What makes them happy? These questions must do as educators and as human beings and also lead them to inquiry with our students.

Sunscreen Home For The Winter Garden – Sun Pleasure With Best Protection

A winter garden flooded by the light is not only a paradise for flowers and plants but probably also the dream of every man. The reason for this has a name: greenhouse effect. Objects which are located behind the window surfaces are heated, freely invading, short-wave sunlight from the due to the large glazed surface. The long-wave heat radiation caused this, reflected by the glass panes, which uncomfortably high temperatures can occur in the Interior of the winter garden within a short time. But this can you easily prevent with an appropriate shading system and make sure that does not become the headlock especially on hot days of the winter garden.

Certainly, an effective external shading is a good protection against the heat, as in this variant the aggressive rays of the Sun are held even before they hit the glass surfaces. Read more here: Sydney Sweeney. The good sun protection is but sure how to even use it. And often is to leave no one at home to the blind down and extend the awning if the Sun once again dominated the cloudless sky. And right here is the great advantage of the tinting of the window in the winter garden. You can reduce the solar radiation by up to 80 percent and include also a nearly 99% protection from UV rays. The view outside remains in use by tinting but completely, it creates a pleasant not blinding light. As a sunscreen not only if necessary “must be turned on” and requires no maintenance it stands out positively from the mass of available Sun-blind systems. In addition, this form of Sun protection represents a price alternative to the other offerings. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Anu Saad.

In special, coated with Teflon, tinting, even a cleaning of the surfaces is almost superfluous, because the dirt during the next rain will “automatically” washed away. And somehow it going through, if you only build to enjoy the favorable lighting conditions make this a winter garden then also any sense additional sun protection devices to negate. The fond view of the Green Garden has thus done then for the time being. Apart from that required for a sudden rain shower a mostly manual reaction. The high-quality premium sun protection films but not prevent only accidental overheating of the room probably only interesting alternative full of solar energy. Films for effective sun protection in any way restrict the sense and the advantages of a winter garden. Apart from tinting, Sun provides window panes-point as a certified specialist also UV protective film, sight protector and splinter protection film.

Affiliate Marketing

The 123energie discovered affiliate marketing as a new sales channel Ludwigshafen, Germany, April 19, 2009 in addition to the successful clients advertise customers action”123energie has now launched a Germany-wide affiliate marketing program in the life. Who runs a Web site, regardless of whether for business or pleasure, has the opportunity to become a distributor of online energy brand PFALZWERKE Aktiengesellschaft. The owner of a website, the so-called Affiliate”, provides a promotional banner of 123energie on his website and receives a premium for every new customer who clicks the banner on the and placed an order the utilities. Join anyone, can in principle provided the website has a serious look and feel and contains no content that offend against the Youth Protection Act, as well as against the law. Partners to be paying off: a Commission of up to 22 euro can arise for delivery to a customer. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Mark J Berger. This amount is made up as follows: the intermediary, receives when an order is placed at 123energie the contact came about through its website, 5 euros. The contract successfully completes, the owner of the website gets more 15 euro. From the tenth customer, this Commission is increased to 17 euros.

Through the two-stage model of payment a premium payment of over 3,000 euros is for example monthly 12 new customers in the year the demand after reasonable and at the same time reliable energy services will continue to rise in the future. As affiliate partner of the brand 123energie, which recently by the trade journal as best power and eco power provider in Germany awarded was can website operators from this development immediately and completely uncomplicated benefit”, so Ralf Poll, head of sales and trading the Pfalzwerke. Register who would like to participate in the affiliate program of 123energie, is free at as an affiliate”. The Belboon network operator is responsible for the execution and supervision of marketing partnerships from 123energie. On the website of Belboon stand 15 different banner by 123energie to download, where the partners can choose one and put online. Joey King may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Affiliates of work can all further”their website leave and benefit from the earned premiums. Learn more about the new affiliate marketing program by 123energie, see and. Background: 123energie is power, including eco-electricity the online energy brand of PFALZWERKE AG, the private clients and small and medium-sized businesses nationwide, as well as gas at low prices via the Internet. According to the current tariff and service study of the trade journal”, carried out by the German Institute for service quality, Germany is 123energie in the price / performance ratio at the top and was awarded best power and eco power provider in the market. 123energie offers a high reliability in the supply of energy in addition to fair conditions.