If he will be perverse, there of me! E, will be just, does not dare to raise the head, therefore I am full of ignominy and eye for my misery. Because, if I raise, hunt you me as to a fierce lion and of new you disclose to be able wonderful against me. (Book of J Prophet, CAP. 10:15 and 16). Already it saw Saint in the land here, where the substance holds billions, trillions of lives that evolve slowly? The BIRDS ALSO ARE CAADAS Had hunted me, as if I was bird, the ones that without reason are my enemies.

(Lamentations of Jeremias, CAP. 3:52). Jeremias laments, that in those gone days, was one of the Prophets of God, who alerted to the children its, against the invasion of king Nabucodonosor, that already was going for Jerusalem, and nobody gave attention, preferring to hear false prophets to it. Then, Jeremias, said the Zedequias: Thus you, the God of the Armies says, God of Israel: If voluntarily to surrender the princes of the king of Babilnia, then, will live your soul, and this city will not be burnt, you and your house will live. But, if not to surrender the princes of the king of Babilnia, then, will be delivers this city at the hands of the Chaldean, and them they will burn, and you will not escape of its hands. (Book of Jeremias Prophet, CAP. 38:17 and 18).

JERUSALEM IS TAKEN was taken Jerusalem. It was the year nineth of Zedequias, king of Jud, in the month tenth, when it came Nabucodonosor, king of Babilnia, and all its army, against Jerusalem, had surrounded and it; it was the eleventh year of Zedequias, in the room month, when a breach in the city became. The Chaldean had burnt the house of the king and the houses of the people and had thrown down the walls of Jerusalem.