House Sweepstakes

More than a year, there are already hot debates on the House contests in Germany – and thanks to we have a courageous citizen – Mr Volker Stiny. Would this man, bowed to the current economic crisis like so many before him, his house under value would be – sold so many people tell themselves: “the way it goes and there one must accept with” – you really have that? A homeowner who sell his house under value must sure feels much injustice – maybe it hurts too – might be. You may want to visit Michael James Burke to increase your knowledge. But he does not perish, just because he sold under value – over is always a great bunch of money! Nonetheless, Volker Stiny has are not subjected to the economic crisis, but struggled. Certainly for themselves – but not only for himself, but for all of us: how many years must a person work, to be able to buy a House and it then still debt to pay off? How many potential buyers receive the necessary loans from the banks no longer to buy a House? How many people dream of your own home and know: it will be a dream… That is now changing.

The pioneer in Germany, Mr Volker Stiny, which made possible House Sweepstakes for our country, for our citizens, opened all citizens so the chance on an owned home – the chance of a Fortune with low usage. Now there are five operators (Bavaria 2 Berlin 1, Hamburg 1, North Rhine-Westphalia 1), which establish this market – but what would we be without the participation of enlightened citizens who already take part in the ongoing sweepstakes? Obviously many people have realized that it goes to the market: real estate without bank credit – finally a chance for all the necessary credits are denied by the banks, to buy a House. If these first five houses can be lost through adequate (at best) fast-rising numbers of participants,. other homeowners are offering their properties in this way and can the citizens much more extensive choose which game you would like to attend. Currently, because everything is new, the numbers are still high, it is to expect that a better solution can be found on duration (such as in Austria for their Raffles) – maybe there will be regulations that the proportion of taxes is not quite as high.