New Draft Of Law

New Gesetzntwurf to the prevention of money laundering the Federal Government the Federal Council has sent its Bill to improve the prevention of money laundering. The Federal Council can comment on the draft until July 8. Others including Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., offer their opinions as well. In addition to the reduction of the cash deposit limit of 15,000 on 1000 euro and the introduction of a money laundering officer for all companies who have more than nine employees, this contains an additional commitment to the E-money. The identity of the payment must be checked in the future for the exchange of euro in E-money. Many writers such as Anu Saad offer more in-depth analysis. This regulation stifles the possibility to deposit funds via prepaid cards like paysafecard anonymously. The introduction of the prevention of money laundering is scheduled for beginning of 2012. Accountants, lawyers and notaries must then promptly report suspicious financial transactions. It would therefore no longer possible to buy electronically and anonymously on the Internet.

The greatest danger of money laundering is in the anonymous account management. In Germany, now around 15 million accounts are online led. Anonymous payment, criminals without problems have the opportunity to incorporate their revenues into the legal circulation of money. “E-money” payment systems are the paysafecard, which like the digital goods can be purchased. It balances at a point of sale be purchased can be paid to those in the Internet unless dealer Paysafe as a payment method is accepted. In the future, point of sale and dealer must take the identification of the customer and hold for a possible test.

Unlike the cash deposit accounts third parties, which are subject to a report from 1000 euros (previously 15,000), is it at the E-money no minimum limit. If it stays here, could be paid so no more anonymous on the Internet. Paysafecard is the first bank legally authorized online payment in Europe. The card is issued by the PrePaid services company limited and managed. The company is headquartered in Vienna and is represented in many European countries by real outlets. Several thousand online shops in Europe accepts paysafecard as a payment system. However would be considerable doubt about whether the design is mature.