Reproductive Medicine

Observational scientists in ancient times to modern voiced similar views on reproductive medicine. To broaden your perception, visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Thus, the Roman poet Lucretius (a poem 'On the Nature of Things') notes that some diseases can be inherited, and the reasons Infertility is rooted in the body, both men and women. Reproductive medicine – this whole area of biomedical knowledge, designed reshayut problems having children, fertility regulation, planning family. Fine art (from the Latin. Reproductio – Play) – one of the toughest biological phenomena. Filed under: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Nature uses a rule of 'genetic roulette' to implement a program to preserve the species and procreation. By the end of the current century reproductive medicine has incorporated many achievements of science: Gynecology & Andrology, biology and genetics, cytology and Cryobiology. Anu Saad might disagree with that approach.

Among the most common methods of modern reproductive medicine include: the husband's sperm insemination (donor) – IMS (ISD). Artificial insemination produced in some cases, endocrine, immune and male infertility – in the presence of tubal patency. In favorable for conception of women's day in the uterine cavity is entered husband's sperm or donor. Fertilization (in Latin, in vitro) in vitro – OIV. The essence of procedures – obtaining from the woman's ovaries mature eggs, fertilization, their husband's sperm (or desire of both spouses sperm donor), growing the resulting embryos in the incubator for 48-72 hours, and transfer (replanting) of embryos in the uterus of the patient. Injection of sperm into the cytoplasm (ICSI). ICSI program carried out at a difficult (heavy) forms of male infertility, as well as in some cases related to the individual reproductive health of the couple.