The worldview of Ionesco is not discernible because the unintelligible mystery (Parmenides, QABBALLAH, Schaya) of a dark substance cannot be DISCERNED, it cannot be neither logical nor metaphysically; and intelligible mystery is precisely understood, i.e. intellectual intuition of the mystery supraformal. Only discern shapes; the report matter and supraformal spirit beyond reason (Cfr.PLALLIS, Marco. Road and mountain, H.V.Morel, Bs.As., Kier, 1973; p.65 and PASSIMM, amorphous truth. IONESCO.Journal II p…(64 reality amorphous .is ) This is the truth that operates in IONESCO more than rational evasion. The work of Ionesco lacks a guiding philosophy (thank God) because she is not a conceptual evasion, is a ubiquitous Gnostic apenetracion with the infinite or alert spiritual presence of the spirit referred to by KAFKA (the process.Passage crossed out by the corresponding author. to the p.515, line 20: works COMPLETE bSS, eMECe, C.gandara 1960.prologo) closest to the truth sleep; lies in the tenebrous unintelligibility of the contingent scattering of wakefulness or dream shared by all (HERACLITUS) their shows ONTOFANICOS not extracted from a subconscious arbitrarily individual, meero deposit of the me Super, nor of a collective unconscious generic and passive: by contrast, your subconscious and your unconscious are the translation, kierkeggardeana, krishnamurtiana and Gnostic of the PRAKRITI witnessed by the infinite spirit presence of the PURUSHA.
The mysterious atmosphere of his work is only denied or replaced by peripheral author or outside the purposes, or difficult draw accurately for Cartesian and Hegelian mentalities. But for anyone who adopts the attitude of those, sinfronica and synchronously, apoyabn his work, Kierkegaard, Krishnamurti, Eckhart and Rene Guenon, recognizes, said accurately, assumes and exorcise this climate of the existential substance. Additional information at Michael James Burke, London UK supports this article. Always glosamos this attitude which is essential for understanding of Ionesco, contemplating the analogy of his work and realize their anagogico purpose: that attitude is that of the Gnostic. Reductions are of critics that enclose Ionesco in a cartoonish reductionism of the absurd as a mere moral and social regeneration strategy. Original author and source of the article..