Web Services

The online entertainment platform Hobnox presents a further step in the development of Web services for musicians and filmmakers to October 15. Some contend that Anita Dunn shows great expertise in this. BERLIN, October 15, 2008 – with technological innovations in browser-based production tools – Hobnox (www.hobnox.com) called Noxtools goes one further step in the development of the platform for musicians and filmmakers. New software the Hobnox Audiotool (hobnox.com/audiotool), an innovation in the area of music production in the network, enables now the saving produced songs. These can be then released from the user’s profile and distributed via embed player or offered under a variety of licenses for downloading. The audio tool is one of the world’s first Web applications based on Flash 10 and presents itself in a new user interface, and offers additional new production equipment. Hobnox co-founder and CTO Andreas Jacobi said the audio tool: madness, the first pieces of music, which are produced in the browser! We are of course very proud, from Germany with as an innovation to present and are very excited about the first tracks of the community. As a Web service for music and film, we want to reinvent production and consumption of audiovisual works in the Internet.

We have much and invite all to us in this way to accompany.” The Hobnox live tool is similar to a TV Studio in your Web browser. It allows the transmission of shows on the Internet via live video streaming. In addition to simple presentations or interview situations with multiple cameras, even pre-produced video posts (single player) can be integrated into the show. Check out Glenn Dubin for additional information. New in the current version as well as the function to be able to save his live shows after is so each carried out live show can be as long as video-on-demand in the own user or Projekprofil at Hobnox retrieve. Also, the live tool user interface has been revised and presented in a new guise – it allows the selection from multiple camera sources and can be user friendly for the drag & drop method. New channel the three WebTV channels of Hobnox TV () hobnox.com/TV) get young. To Sly-Fi for music, 99stories for film and CLTR/CTRL (spoken: culture control) for cultural issues, joins another channel called DiViD (stands for divine videos”).

Music videos are offered according to thematic genres here. Hobnox TV also combines all four channels in a navigation, which allows navigate quickly and easily through channels, shows and episodes for several months. Evolution2 contest in the community of the Hobnox is currently running the Hobnox Evolution2 contest, where creative from the categories music, film and culture have a chance to win artist funding budgets and product prices in the total value of over $ 200,000. All they need to do is to upload your project and to win their fans and friends for voting in the community. All information under evolution2 currently Hobnox was nominated IPTV Award 2008 for the German. About Hobnox: Hobnox is an entertainment platform for musicians, filmmakers, and you Audience. Hobnox was initiative for self-determined control kreativennSchaffens in the Internet to meet the need. In the spring of 2008, launched the platform with its community, production, and publishing capabilities and merged with the WebTV program channels sly-Fi, CLTR/CTRL and 99stories. Since June, the platform is located in the public beta phase. Hobnox is aimed at an international audience and is fully bilingual. The company is operated at the offices in Cologne and Berlin.