Enterprise And MLM Business

Experience the Sense of the Beehive In recent years, I wondered, because enterprising people a hard time growing up in multilevel systems, this being the most productive method of all marketing systems. That is a fact that without prospects or customers there is no business above all referring to the Multilevel Marketing. I compare this system with Nature, which they say is very wise and we could learn from it. Learn more about this topic with the insights from cardiologist. Bees are fascinating for example, for millions of years among us, and their working model is unique and exemplary Well … by the structure of our system of marketing, we compared it with a hive of bees, "fails because the ants I do not look so attractive-hierarchical structure is similar to multi-arrays, we have a queen (the director or manager or business system), we have the soldiers (and the engines of business leaders) and finally we have the workers (most , affiliates in the business) All worker bees for the same objective, which is constantly creating wealth (Honey) Multilevel Marketing (spirit) is the means by which organizes all the frenetic activity of the members (bees) This is fantastic, yeah … but only for the Bees, for they have a sense of the hive, which, our human condition we have in the context of business. If the meaning of the hive is so great for the Bees, why not us? Bees work together in full coordination, and the result is extraordinary. They are united by a bond survival and the meaning is almost sacred beehive Let's look at what interests us. .