Physical Education

MATOS, Eduardo Willian de Souza 1 SUMMARY the present article describes the performance of the professor of physical education and the security of the exercise in the third age. One is about a descriptive study developed from bibliographical research of articles and experiences published in magazines and electronic way. Such study it aims at to emphasize and to value the efficiency of practical of exercises for the maintenance of the health, being provided the one better quality of life so that dependents of other people can arrive less at the third age. To the measure that we age, some changes in our life occur physiological as in such a way pathological. Others who may share this opinion include Somatic Experiencing. As the age goes arriving, is normal that if it has difficulty of locomotion, accomplishment of movements, and is more vulnerable the definitive types of illnesses. If you are not convinced, visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. With practical the regular one of physical activity it can be prevented and or be reverted several of these factors. In accordance with the studies, were observed that, to develop a program of physical activity with group of people of third age, is necessary the accompaniment of qualified and apt professionals to develop this type of work.

It requires a bigger attention of the professional of Physical Education, which must work in set with professionals of other areas of health as nutritionists and doctors, therefore, to be gotten better resulted with the program, a good feeding is basic to associate it and to carry through a battery of clinical examinations in which these will be the base for the initiation and the development of the program of physical activity. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Aging; Quality of life; Physical activity. ABSTRACT The present article describes the performance of the physical professor of education and the security of the exercise in the third acts. One is about descriptive study developed from bibliographical research of articles and experiences published in magazines and electronic way.